
Brow Recluse Problem!?

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I'm finding fiddle back spiders in my condo. Just wondering how to control them before I get bit in my sleep and develop a nasty wound.




  1. you really REALLY need to take this spider seriously. their bits can kill. and treated soon enough will still leave you with lasting joint pains and a very nasty wound, you need to exterminate them NOW. call someone and have it done as soon as possible. and shake out your bedding before you go to bed until you do. good luck

  2. other than, calling an exteriminator, using raid, or a barrel of bug spray? a huuuuuuuuge heater. make it too hot for them, to thrive. those are the only solutions I can think of, good luck.

  3. Are you sure?  Is your condo is the southern part of America?  

    I doubt any brown recluse in gonna jump you during your sleep.  They are not predators on humans.  And you are way to big to fall in to one of their webs.

  4. Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial.

    Consider how much bigger you are than a spider and that spiders probably can't even see you.

    Although spiders typically have eight eyes, many have poor eyesight.

    Spiders pose no real threat to us. In fact, you can appreciate spiders for their significant contribution to insect control.

    Preventing Spider Problems

    There are many ways to make your home less appealing to spiders.

    If there are cracks in your foundation or around windows and doors, seal them up.

    Check places where water pipes and electrical lines enter your house, and caulk any openings.

    Keep woodpiles and debris away from your house.

    In storage areas, put boxes up off the floor and away from walls.

    Seal boxes with tape to keep spiders from living inside them. In general, cleaning up clutter will mean you have fewer spiders.

    Pruning vegetation away from your house and keeping the area next to the foundation clear will also make your house less attractive to spiders.

    Outdoor lighting sometimes attracts insects, which in turn attracts spiders. You can move outdoor lighting away from windows and doors if this is a problem around your home.

    Removing Spiders

    You can remove a spider from inside your house by putting a jar over it. Then slip a piece of paper under the jar so that the opening is sealed, pick up the jar, and take the spider outside.

    A broom is also a useful tool for moving a spider outside.

    Chemicals Are Ineffective

    Using a pesticide is not a good solution to spider problems. "Insecticides will not provide long-term control" of spiders, according to the University of California, "and should not generally be used against spiders outdoors." Inside, "control by spraying is only temporary unless accompanied by housekeeping."

    Washington State University Extension has a similar perspective: "Most spider problems can be solved without the use of chemicals."

  5. Find a Fuller Brush the White pages of your phone book----FAST!!  Are you in the PNW...?

    When you find a Fuller Brush Dealer, tell them you want the Tick, spider spray they've carried for YEARS.... BUY A CASE OF IT.  (I do.)...spray the window openings, heat/air vents, doorways, pipe holes,,,,ANYWHERE they can get inside....  One place I noticed is the pipe hole for the drain of the washing machine!   This spray is NON-TOXIC! and can be used under your bed, an hour before you go to bed.

    UNtil  you get the spray...vacuum, vacuum, VACUUM!  Everywhere!....and use attachments to suck out all hiding places.   A bite from a Brown Recluse is notorious for not healing..! graphs don't seem to work either.  

    I hate to scare you...but this is not a joke.

  6. That's ok, I knew what you meant. :)

    First things first, its wise to inderstand their behavior, they are called recluse because they are... reclusive! You probably won't see them wandering around, rather, hiding in cracks and crevices, so be careful around these.

    Second, SEAL up any cracks/holes you find anywhere, this will prevent them from comming in.

    Spiders are difficult to exterminate because there are no poisons developed for them, the only way to truely rid yourself of them is to call a professional, but that will end up killing EVERYTHING. Maybe that's what you want? :):):)

    If you see cellar spiders, don't kill them because they do a great job of killing other types, including brown recluse. Same story with house centipedes and both are harmless to you.

    In fact, you might even be able to solve your problem by recruiting harmless insects and arachnids that hunt recluses. :):):)
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