
Brownlow qualification?

by  |  earlier

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The Brownlow is awarded to the Best and Fairest

The umpires vote and give us the "Best" part

The tribunal makes sure the players remain the "Fairest" part

Given the changes in the rules, more player are punished and become ineligible for the Brownlow based on the "Fairest" part

I think we should change "Best & Fairest" to "Most Valuable Player"

What are your thoughts?





  1. I don't think thats a bad idea, but it couldn't be for the brownlow as such; there is too much tradition behind that being a best AND fairest medal, and previous players who missed out due to indescretion would be very hard done by.

  2. Great question, I agree with you. But if they did change it, players wouldn't discipline themselves as much, and you wouldn't want someone like Barry Hall winning a prestigious medal in a year that he King Hit someone! (Not saying that there's a chance of that happening, but just using an example!)

  3. yes i agree with you.

    its silly all these high quality players(franklin, goodes, etc) not being able to win a brownlow this year.

  4. no

    then thugs like KERR from WCE would get

    retrospective medals


  5. It's actually Fairest and Best, i believe but who cares,   i would never call it the MVP, isn't it bad enough we are losing our culture to these yanks,  stuff calling it that, sounds like a basketball or gridiron award,     i have no real problem in calling it the leagues best player or something,  at least the best player would have more chance of winning it,   i would bet my last 50 that once a player has been reported they don't get the votes they should, grant and mckernan and a few others over the years have though, but it would only human nature for umps to think, he can't win it we'll give it some one who can.

    some real hard blokes never get votes but are great players, they should be rewarded to handing the ball out to the softies.  look at archer for instance.

  6. Totally agree with you  and smashitup.

    Firstly,in most cases the players are punished for ridiculous reasons due to the rules and interpretation of the rules. The umps have no idea what it is like to be playing footy, THEY HAVE NO FEEL FOR THE GAME.

    The suspensions over the years have robbed many good players from winning the Brownlow, its time to change.Lets face it, no player is would be considered Best and Fairest if they were not the Most Valuable Player over the season.

  7. No I think the 'fairest' part is very important in the Brownlow. Even if it did rob Chris Grant.

    However I rate the AFLPA Leigh Matthews Trophy a higher achievement than the Brownlow, I'd rather be chosen MVP by my peers than the umpires. It's just tradition that makes the Brownlow so big IMO.

  8. Macca

    I'd have to disagree with you.

    AFL has an enviable record of its players not being killed or frequently seriously injured, unlike the neckless, reckless and feckless code they play in points north.The reason is partly that our code has a conduct review, the tribunal, who penalise unduly rough play, including head-high contact, and players who boof it up get reprimanded, fined, cautioned or put out. In the case of Franklin, they may have erred on the side of severity, but for Goodes this season, for instance, they let him off too often until the last offence.

    A couple of really good players, notably Grant of the Dogs and currently Fletcher of the Dons, have played long seasons without a Brownlow, because they have been zapped for various offences.

    They take it on the chin, and so should Franklin - it is still the Charles Brownlow Medal for Fairest and Best.

    And I agree with the poster who said that MVP is quasi-American, and that the players should vote for that!

  9. **With the way the tribunal is these days a player has to be so careful not to do something wrong for fear of being reported and I think it's a joke.

    There have already been several players who would be a chance for the Brownlow this year who are ineligable due to the stupid tribunal and I don't think that's right.

    As a Geelong supporter I really hope that Gary Ablett Jnr does't do something stupid or trivial and risk his chances.

    I think that if a player misses a couple of weeks due to suspension and is still good enough to be able to come back and win a Brownlow given that they've had several weeks out of the game then they obviously are good players and should be able to win the Brownlow.**

  10. If it happens again this year or another year it wont be the first time the player who polls the most votes doesn't win the Brownlow.

    An MVP award would be a great idea but until the they change the rules for Brownlow qualification it will stay the way it is.

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