
Bucks that don't grown antlers?

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I know it's possible, I've seen pictures and heard stories, but I can't seem to find any sites that give information about permanently antlerless bucks. Does anyone know of any sites with information? Thanks.




  1. I doubt that condition exist.  The antlers are an essential part of the male deer development.  An injury or disease may cause deformity, reduction or a seasonal loss, but they always grow back.

  2. In captive deer, males who have been castrated young do not grow antlers, and castration after they reach adulthood causes abnormal antler growth.

    In the wild, it is an extremely rare condition for deer.  Most of the time, a buck who never grows antlers has a condition or defect that affects his reproductive organs.  There are only a few confirmed reported cases of permanently antlerless bucks with normal genitalia (and most references point to the phenomenon in Roe deer (Capreolus) and elk (red deer - Cervus elaphus -), with a notable occurrence of it happening in Scotland.  Nobody knows the exact cause for sure, but it is believed to be hereditary because the cases appear to lump together in the same localities.

    Because it is such a rare condition, you would have to do extensive research in scientific journals to get information about it.  The only one I can find online is the following (and it is just a snippet - scroll down to get it - you would have to purchase the full paper or go to a library that is a registered affliate):

    More frequently, but still rare - the opposite is known to happen - the antlered doe!

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