
Budgie making stressful noises?

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A little old lady I know called me to say she worried about her budgie. He making what sounds like he in pain. His feathers are not ruffled. This has been going on for 2 days now. I have made her an appointment to see vet in morning.

Any ideas what is wrong. Dont know if he or she and is 2 and half years old.




  1. i cant help you out because you didnt give me enough info.

    but just make sure you made an appointment with a AVIAN VET.

  2. if the bird is eating and drinking there is not a lot wrong with the bird a lot of budgies make some funny noises if the bird as blue above it's beck it's a boy if it's brown it's a girl tell your friend not to worry.

  3. There's many reasons that he could be doing that.

    I have 7 birds, and have had many budgies before.

    I think going to the vet is the right thing for him.

    I know sometimes our amazon parrot makes these weird noises for my mom because it's mating season.

    Is her budgie on the bottom of her cage doing that?

    By what you described, it doesnt seem like it's in much physical stress.

    Who knows, it could just be chattering to itself. Our budgie used to do that.

    Let me know what the problem is or if you have any other questions.

  4. Check the bird's cere(coloured part above beak)

    Blue means boy, brown means girl

    Boys become quite vocal during breeding season

    If it's a girl best to make sure she's not eggbound

    (vet will help with this)

    Is birdie alone in cage? Maybe bored/lonely

    Could also be mating season depending on weather

    See a bird vet for best advice, cost a bit more, but know a lot more

    Check out

    Avian vets in Oz listed here

    More than likely there is no problem, my 9 yr old boy budgie carries on alot during mating season. They can get quite loud. Best solution is either spend more time with them, maybe even let them out of their cage (just make sure all escape routes are secure ie:doors, windows)

    Maybe buy a friend:)

    Mirrors can also be good company if you only want one bird

  5. Very hard to help with the info you gave.  It can be so many different things, it's best to see a vet.

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