
Budgie slight spread wings..?

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why does my budgie slightly spread its wings when stood?

when im quite close he slightly spreads wings, what does this mean? why does he do it?





  1. Sometimes birds will hold their wings away from their body because they are to warm. My baby parrots will hold their wings out like that when they are first learning to fly.

    Some birds will puff up when they do not feel safe or if they feel threatened. Is the keet tame? If it isn't real warm and you can check that off the list then I would watch his breathing. The best way to see if a keet is having breathing problems is to watch it's tail. A bird that is having breathing

    will show that distress by moving it's tail up and down as it breaths in and out.  If it is having respiratory distress  you need to figure out why. If none of these don't sound like or match what your bird is doing or it's cause then I would think that he is OK. He might be like the young parrots, just practicing.

    Air sac mites will cause the bird to gape and raise it's tail up and down with it's breathing. This is pretty much a natural action. I guess it is like a pigeon when it walks and it's head moves.

    Any of these things could cause the bird to hold it's wings out or none of them. Get a good parakeet book and look at the health section. Read all of the diseases and watch your bird. The first thing you have to do when involved with bird keeping, you have to be very observant. They are masters of disguise, when it comes to sickness. They have a heart rate that is about four times what ours is. That means that when they get a cold that in 24-36 hours it is chronic and developing into pneumonia. Maybe the holding the wings out isn't anything. Maybe it is the beginning of one of many things. I hope not.

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