
Bug Bites!???????????

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Soo itchyyyy Im trying to take my mind off it. but i cantt blahhh. and i tried rubbing alcohol but that doesnt work neither does aloe vera.

what can stop the itchhh?




  1. If you have calamine lotion that can help.  You can use hydrocortisone cream.  You can take Benedryl, but that will probably make you sleepy.

    Also if your're  home and don't have any of these available, try making a paste of baking soda and water and putting it on the bites.  Its a little messy, but it helped me through chicken pox itchiness when I was a kid!

  2. Tea tree oil is excellent, or try Aveeno anti-itch.  If you are talking about a mosquito bite, a folk remedy is to make an "X" across it with your fingernail: hard, but not enough to break the skin, then wash with water as hot as you can stand.  For the future, though, remember the tea tree oil.  I get bitten all the time when doing field work and it's a miracle worker.
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