
Building a solar powered house?

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we have this assignment where we are buying a house.. but i want to buy a lot and have a house built. the lot cost 50 000 dollars and the house is 2500 square feet. How many solar cells would i need to cover my roof? how much would it cost and what type of solar cells? do you have to get a special arcitect to design a solar powered house? or do you builf a regular house then instal solar cells?




  1. Buying solar powered panels are ok but there expensive. But the good part is that if you buy them in the day time its free. They don't use any electricity. But the bad part is that at night it won't work. Maybe in the day time you can you solar powered panels and at night you can use electricity. Hope it works! It depends what kind you want. Website:

  2. this is your do the research. Find out how much it would cost per sq. ft. and how much solar panels are

  3. Measure your roof width x length and calculate sq.feet. Then search for Solar Cell manufacturers, see what sizes they offer in panels, you can divide and find out your measurement or ask them for calculating how many panels you'd need to provide power,based on your needs.

  4. If you are building a solar house, it is best to plan it from the beginning to include solar and to orient it properly to  the sun. I'd hire an architect who understands solar because the more efficient you design the house, the better the solar will work. Also check local regulations. Consider too that your neighbor may plant trees nearby and while they start small, they may block your sunshine someday.

    If you do not currently own land that favors solar projects, you might be better off investing your money in solar projects that will not have regulatory, neighbor or tree problems such as public buildings via a closed end mutual fund that invests in them and gets net metering from the utility.

    Still, the cost of solar will get lots better and the cost of public electricity and most fuels will continue to go up, so if your land is adequate, go for it.

  5. Solar cells come in different sizes, you can buy photovoltaic roof tiles, or in large panels, that attach onto a normal roof.

    Specific architect design is your choice if you do use an architet to make plans for the house then you can discuss how solar power can be included in the design.

    Look for local suppliers of such panels and roof tiles and get the measurements for each. An architect will be able to tell you the area of the roof, which changes with the design.

    You need draft designs before you can make final decisions.

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