
Building strength?

by  |  earlier

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Right now im not very big and im skinny but im gonna be starting to lift. I play baseball and have pretty good natural ability, I can hit the ball far and im good defensively but my arm is a little weak. If i get on a steady lifting program and get muscle will this make me a more consistent hitter and will i be able hit the ball a lot farther and will my arm strength drastically improve?




  1. no, yes, maybe. Throwing has to do mostly with mechanics. You never see pitchers, who obviously can throw the hardest have huge arms. Study the way a pro throws the ball. Watch someone like Cuddyer. He has a great arm and he has great form. Good luck.

  2. muscle doesnt grow much on skinny body types. you should gain some weight to go along with your height, and go along with the lifting program you mentioned. that way you increase your potential for batting power.
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