
Building up punch speed?

by  |  earlier

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hi i'm 15 and ive been boxing for about 9 months now and i am looking to get my medical when the season starts again, turned down the opportunity about 5 months back, i want to really build up my punching speed and power, how could i go about doing this?




  1. What others have said, bungy cords, shadow boxing with light hand weights do a few rounds with then do one without and see the difference it's awesome.

    We used to do speed bags.  Hitting the bag as light but as fast as you can 30 secs on 30 secs off 4 times.  Increase time as you get better.  Only touch the bag though, don't hold the weight of the bag AT ALL.  Make sure to bring your hands back to the side of your face everytime too.  fast fast fast.

    Sprint bags are good fun too, without stopping AT ALL go hard out for 30 secs then 30 off twice, then 15 seconds on then 15 seconds off twice.  Increase time as you get better.  Hard and fast, basically trying to knock the bag out.  hard and fast, don't stop punching at all, even just throw a one two, over and over and over, hard and fast.

    I tell people when we do sprint bags that it is like the first 30 seconds of your first fight.  Go hard or go home!

    There is heaps of different ways to increase speed and power, just find one that you enjoy doing.

    Good luck, Go hard!

  2. Try punching through an hanging newspaper page suspend from a door frame.!!!

    That helps to build speed in punch there by gaining power in delivery of punch.!!!

  3. try blowing out a candle fire with the air ur punch generates mate.

  4. What you have to understand is that the body will always try to protect itself from getting injured. Let me explain: With punching, the muscle that produces arm extension speed (when throwing a punch) is your tricep. Well if your antagonist muscle (opposite muscle) ,in this case your bicep, is not strong enough to stop your tricep muscle from hyperextending your body will protect itself by slowing the speed in which your tricep muscle contract. I recommend you build the strenght of your biceps, then evaluate your self in a couple of weeks. Hope this helped

  5. I used to take the strecthy cables like bungie cords and wrap them around a pipe or something stable.....turn around and do your normal punching or shadow boxing drills....try to do as many as you can for a minute straight then rest......punching is in your shoulders, legs and back....Your biceps and triceps don't have as much bearing on punching hard and quick

  6. speed bag, and shadow boxing at full speed using handweights. That will help with the speed. Power is mostly about technique, this comes from your feet, legs, hips, back and finally your arms working in one motion. If you got one use a heavy sledge hammer with sideway swings. (again use your legs and hips and back arms to swing and simulate hooks) and over hand chops on wood (for straight punches)  old tree stump or and old tire tied to tree would make good targets. When your hooking try and get everything tight and turn on that foot, in one motion. Kinda like your body is a door and it is slamming shut.

  7. I seen Mayweather Jr. and Sr. in the gym a couple of times growing up. They used to shadow box with 3 pound or 5 pound weights for several minutes at a time.

  8. You can either develop it by working the heavy bag with constant punches using any one punch technique and stance for as long as you can. You can switch punches & stance during the set. Once tired take a small break then go at it again. Just keep repeating, switching stances and punches between or during the sets to develop speed with all of them. Also how it has been described by others above by shadow boxing with weights. But I prefer the heavy bag approach. I've punched the heavy bag consistently with a right jab for up to a hour once. This would be a way to challenge yourself, the amount of time you can do it for.

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