
Bully problem?

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I have this bully at this school, I ignore him but today two things happened and I can not stand it, I was peeing and he turned off the lights in the bathroom, and he cheated off me in a CTP (standardized test) I have told on him 2 times already this year and each time I tell on him he bullys me more




  1. ignoring doesnt work as im sure youve noticed by now, aslo talking to them doesnt work either this just tells them your annoyed so they continue, that and they dont give a c**p about what you say. if you want to deal with this guy you've got a few options. first you can make him fear or respect you this sadly usually involves physical violence which is a bad choice. second you can laugh along and agree with him it will really confuse him. lastly just learn to internally laugh at him, after all he is very pathetic. i would say if none of these work then you should talk to someone at school i suggest this last because it can cause problems. if you do fight though(my advice is dont) make sure you win

  2. Outsmart him.

    Next time he cheats off of you, fill in all the answers WRONG.  Write a note to the teacher at the end of your test explaining what happened, and she will probably let you take the test again.  Trust me, your teacher knows you are getting bullied and she will be happy to accommodate you for standing up for yourself.

    Is he being verbally abusive?  Be passive-aggressive.  He calls you a name?  Tell him, "You're entitled to your opinion."  Threatens to beat you up after school?  Say, "Okay" and walk away.  Then tell the teacher.

    He will stop bullying you because he will see that his actions aren't affecting you.  Also, if other kids are watching this happen, he will lose his reputation as a "tough guy".  He doesn't want to do that, so eventually he will leave you alone.

  3. Personally I would just deck him one right in his kissers!!!

    Or....Just tell him outright your not gonna stand for it anymore, and if he wants to make an issue of it then say so......

    If you ARE afraid of him-dont let him see that, he'll only see it as a weakness!!

  4. you need to stand up for yourself and talk to someone. get in with your principal and dont leave until he handles it. sadly things like this happen every where to good kids like you. just say "i dont know why you like me so much. why dont you go and bother someone else who actually thinks you have some human decency." he should not be watching you pee and then turning off the lights! if it becomes physical defend yourself and punch the p**p out of him and i doubt h**l mess with you again. you should get your teachers to have a confrence with his parents and yours. the bully's parents may say "Look our sweet bobby would never do that" get some proof. while he is bullying you say 'smile" take a pic and run to your teacher. then shell know you are being truthful. just tell him you know kid this is getting old and would you like it if i did that too you" if he says i wouldnt care say i doubt you wouldnt quit trying to act tough WEASEL!!!! good luck with your problems and i really hope i helped you!

  5. Been there, done that (which was nothing).

    If I were in school again, I would do things very differently.

    The threat of physical harm is all you need to beat the living c**p out of him. You won't get in trouble, sue the school and the principal if they try to burn you for simply defending yourself.

    If the bully is about your size, punch and kick him ten times before he realizes that he's being hit.

    You heard me, TEN TIMES, not one time! You need to see either blood or tears from his body. RETALIATION, sure and swift, won't stop a bully from bullying; but it will stop them from bullying YOU.

    If he's twice your size, probably because he failed, walk out of the classroom, ignore the teacher, and go to the office, tell the Principal that if nothing's done, you'll call 911 without telling him/her.

    If I were in school again, in a classroom, I'll punch a bully my hardest in his nose, less than one second later, my hardest kick in the balls, less than one second after that, a one-two punch combo in his gut. All four hits would take less than 2 seconds. Then shove him to the ground, and beat him to a bloody pulp.

    Does it sound mean? Well, your entire life will be filled with bullies unless you do what I say. Will you get suspended or detention? Possibly, but it's better than being bullied. Contact a lawyer during your suspension. Don't sue the bully, he has no money. Sue the school for failing to protect you. Watch how fast they kick the bully out, permanently.

    I was bullied on an hourly basis throughout 5th -12th grades.

    I'm a black belt now. I haven't been bullied in over 20 years. A couple of wannabes over the years, but they both went down very fast, and very hard. Most bullies do not know how to fight!

    Once the word got out what I'm capable of, even the insults stopped. Try it sometime, I guarantee it will work.

  6. My son has the same problem and he has told on the bully many times and I have gone to school and talked to all the teachers and nothing has been done. I told him to knock the c**p out of him and he will stop, and all the other ones will leave you alone.  You have to prove it to them so you wont get picked on all the time.
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