
Bump inside leg ( cancer?)?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 and I have a bump on the inside of my leg on the muscle. when I say Inside I mean skin is covering in like its not a bug bit just a bumb You can see it really good when I squat. Its soft and sqishy. Is it cancer? It doesn't hurt. Lower leg about 7 inches above foot on the front side.




  1. No one can answer this question in your specific case. However, any type of bump or lump located anywhere on the body that is painless and seems to be growing . . is suspicious. You are in the age group that is more likely to get cancers of the bone, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue in the body. You have an unexplained lump growing in the soft tissue of your leg . . that is a red flag. No one knows if this is a benign condition or a malignancy . . so you will need to see a doctor . .immediately if possible. The sooner you have this evaluated the better your chances will be if this turns out to be cancer.

    Do not wait. Tell your parents today.  If your doctor hesitates . . ask him if this could be a sarcoma . . if he suspects this than you need to be seen by a pediatric sarcoma specialist as soon as possible.

    Good luck. Hopefully this will turn out to be nothing . .but you should be concerned.

    NCI: Soft tissue sarcoma


  2. It may just be a cyst, ingrown hair, boil.... There are a lot of possibilities. I'd see a doctor just for peace of mind.

  3. better use canova drops  -- 10 drops t.d.s. under ur tongue.

    can be had from or locally.

  4. If its soft and squishy its a lipoma. That isn't cancer. Its basically a ball of fat.


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