
Bunny problems help!?

by  |  earlier

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i just got a 2 month year old bunny last week and i love her to death but her p**p is wet all of a sudden, and it sticks to her butt. what should i do?

( i have been feeding her dry foods and fruits some times)




  1. You need to be feeding her hay. Lots and lots of hay!

  2. Sounds like your bunny has Coccidiosis.  

    Your bunny is probably dehydrated from the diarrhea.  I would first rehydrate her with some water with a little sugar in it.  The sugar will boost her body a bit.  I would then take her to the vet.  It is treatable, but if nothing is done, the bunny can die.

    Here is a story about a lady who had a rabbit the same age as yours and how she treated it herself.

  3. feed her LOTS of green leafy veggies no Iceberg Lettuce that will make it worse. and supply it with fresh timothy hay and plenty of water. and for the p**p sticking to her butt get a damp cloth and Gently wipe it of. NEVER cut of the rabbits fur if its a short haired rabbit cause you can cut their skin. :))))))- Hope this helps

  4. Take her to the vet. It sounds like she has dioreha (sorry can't spell). Have you been switching foods?

  5. It sounds like your rabbit has been producing more caecotrophs than normal.  It's nothing to worry about, my rabbits have the same problem when I feed them too much fruit.  Rabbits redigest their food by producing darker brown, wet, smelly poo (called caecotrophs) at night which they then eat.  They smell sweet to the rabbit, but your bunny may be waiting for the fruit you've been feeding which may smell sweeter.  Cut down on the fruit and follow the manufacturer's guide to how much dry food to feed.  Also, keep her bottom clean as the matted poo attracts flies, who lay eggs which turn into maggots that burrow into your bunny and eat the flesh, I'm sure you can imagine how painful that is!  Wash her bottom with very mild soap and dry her thoroughly.  Check her once a day to keep on top of it.  

  6. What food was she fed, on when you got her? Have you changed it? It could be that (if you have). If not, take her to the vets.

  7. stop feeding her so much fruit, just for a week, only her normal food, hay, grass etc no fruit or treats or anything. this should work, as my rabbit was the same only 2 weeks ago and now he's fine :) and just make sure you keep wiping her everyday!

    to prevent it happening it the future don't feed lettuce, or too much fruit, mainly fresh veggies like broccoli and mini corns :)

  8. poor thing take her to the vets they should give her a pill or something to help she probably has diorea <cant spell lol and it could be because you have changed her diet or just a illness that cant be helped.

    hope she gets well soon x

  9. It's normal. Sometimes it happens when climate changes, but it's normal. My rabbits get it and it should change back to normal soon. It has something to do with their digestion. It happens  because they need to clean out their intestines. Sometimes they eat it also. Don't worry about that. It's also normal. Good Luck!

  10. well my rabbit was like this at 2 months old because we fed her fruit... she has to get used to rabbit muesli first and then at 4 mnths start givin her fruits as a treat evry now and then

  11. This is called "sticky bottom syndrome" its very common with adult & young rabbits. Basically its the poos rabbit eat these are called either "night poo's"(as these are commonly produced at night) or the more technical name " Caecotrophes". The bunny can over produce these f***s due to over feeding a mix or pellet feed or due to greens. It could be to do with the fruits you have been feeding her. Okay,first clean her,i know it sounds disgusting but you will need to clean the sh*t off her bottom use a gentle soap or buy a rabbit shampoo & carefully making sure she doesn't kick too much wash her in a tub/bowl. You will need to carefully clean her bottom using a gloved hand,As leaving the poo on her will attract flies which could lay their eggs into the poo & when the lava hatch they eat the poor bunnies flesh away,this is called " Fly Strike",its a very nasty illness.

    After washing her either use a hair dryer or a good towel to dry her off completely. Don't give her ANY fruit or mix for a day,just give her Hay & water,this should clear the problem.

    In future please don't over feed her fruits i know its temping but otherwise the same problem will arise.

    If this continues please contact a vet.

    Hope this helps. x*x
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