
Burning after breastfeeding

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I have been breastfeeding for 6 months now and I am starting to have a burning feeling in my right breast. The latch is good he doesn't have thrush and I am out of ideas. it only effects the right side and rarely if every burns while feeding. any help would be great!




  1. how long has this been going on? If its only a few days or so it could be a plugged duct. Try a hot compress and massage the sore area.

    Edit: sounds like a plugged duct. . Try the hot compresses for a day, apply after each feeding and try to massage the sore area as much as possible. It may help to try it in a hot shower. Most clogged ducts will open on their own, but if you start to feel sick or the area becomes swollen or warm to the touch it may be mastitis, which you need an antibiotic for

  2. My son is almost 4 months old and I'm getting a little pain right now in my left breast.  I think it's because he's teething and sucking harder.  I'm using the Lansinoh again and trying to let my nipple air dry.  

  3. Does the nipple blanche? Turn white and cold? That could be Reynauds, and you'd need some medicine to treat that.

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