
Buy Freshwater Eel for Sushi!

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I have been making sushi lately but the only fish in the market available to me is yellowtail. If someone could give me a site for buying fresh fish that would be great. More importantly I really want to get my hands on some freshwater eel.Please help !




  1. Where do you live? If you want it fresh you want it near you.  For me I have an asian market down the street that keeps tanks of fresh fish you pick it they process it. Can't get any fresher.


  3. Check out Catalina Offshore Products, from what I have read from multiple sources, they are reliable.

    However, I must mention, I have never ordered from them myself, so I am NOT vouching for them, just giving you a suggestion to look into. Please practice due diligence.

    Good luck!

  4. To add what others have said:

    I've seen it at an asian market live in a tank in Boston.

    But the thing about eel:  It goes south real fast.  So fast that it is recommended that it be purchased LIVE, and that it is *dispatched* by the home cook.  Is handling a live snake like creature & killing it yourself something that you are prepared to do?  I like eel, but that is too creepy for me to do.

    The possibility also exists that it can be purchased precooked & frozen (I've never seen it in that form personally).  I've personally never seen eel in sushi raw, so in that form it could work.

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