
Buying a Chihuahua From Online Website.?

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Hello i would like to buy a new chihuahua, i am looking at this one in paticular , and i would like to know things about chihuahua's like are they good with cocker spaniels, what do they eat, are there any common diseases that could show up? thanks!




  1. Its best to meet he breeder, dam and puppy but if they are being shipped, at least talk on the phone. Some breeders weill send you a contract so read it carefully.

    Most people say that chihuahuas are dumb....and I do have to admit that they are stubborn. But, with patients, they can be a perfect little dog. My chi learned to sit in one week, down, stay and paw in just one hour each. They were pretty hard to socialize and it took pretty long for them to stop growling at other dogs but it was worth it =)

    I don't understand why so much people hate chihuahuas....i guess they just didn't have the patients..

    Well anyway they are good with other pets in the house hold if they are raised with them and in this case its a yes. Chihuahuas are generally a health breed and dont have major health concerns.

       Well anyway whatever you choose good luck =)

  2. DO NOT BUY FROM PUPPY MILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See if the site is a puppy mill, there they lock dogs up and breed them for their whole lives and sell the pups! :[ That is probably a puppy mill! Yes, diseases could show up if the place is not clean and they are not properly taken care of.

  3. Be very careful buying this puppy!! My friend did the very same thing and the puppy was supposedly coming from AZ, but come to find out the money needed to be sent to South Africa. It's all a scam!!!

    Do not send them money,

    And as for Chihuahua's we just had to get rid of ours, she was two years old and had gotten so aggressive toward everyone and all other animals we had to give her to an older woman who lived alone. A chihuahua is not a family dog as far as I'm concerned.  

  4. i breed chihuahuas, and if you get them as a puppy they will learn to get along with other breeds. they do like to stay with theyre own kind, but with growing up together theyre fine. they have to have tiny bites, well because they have small mouths. theyre most common are hypoglycemic, and if you get a dog that weighs a lb by month, you should be fine. look for signs of disoriented, no eating or drinking, very sleepy after a little play. your vet can do a test also. they are common for theyre legs going out of socket sometimes, usually if it doesnt get worse theyre find. there are lots of websites to go to learn more just type in chihuahuas breed i hope i helped. these are great lil dogs and companions, and very careful on buying online, dont buy the tiny teacups, theres no such thing, only sickly little ones, or just lies, and if it says rare colors, thats not true they come in all different colors.

  5. Chihauhaus are not stupid, like someone mentioned. Mine learned how to dance in one day.

  6. chis are nice dogs but very stupid, they bite, scratch, wine/moan, yap etc, get something better.

    To get them to sit will take like a month, they are not the brightest dogs

    I would buy from a breeder, that kinda sounds dodgy, they just chuck it in a box and send it,

    im pretty sure they would put it in a pet carrier, Dont get a chi they really are stupid!!!

  7. Red flag.. The woman says that AKC papers are extra.. That's not even fair.. The papers belong w/ the dog, and they cost so very little to register.. Why would she have a difference in price for papered and not? A real breeder registers ALL her dogs, not just the ones she can con people into paying more for. Your 2nd red flag is the acceptance of credit cards. 3rd Red flag is advertising on NextdayPets.

  8. Before rushing into this particular puppy, you need to research the breed for yourself and ask reputable breeders what the pros and cons are to the breed.

    That listing for  that puppy did not even give the breeders website for you to go visit, which could indicate a byb or miller. Also beware of anything that is "tiny"

    The key here is to ask reputable breeders what to look for. I would find the Chihuahua parent club and start your researching of the breed from there.

    Doesn't matter what breed you go for, your going to have to study up a bit and learn what you can.

    BTW: good breeders DO sell on line, more and more are starting to get into the middle of the byb domain at such places as and The reason more reputable breeders are going there is to put their quality dogs up against the junk out there so innocent buers can see the difference.

  9. There are many places that have pets that need adopted buying from a puppy mill is only supporting the irresponsible breeding  they do.

  10. Aren't you concerned about shipping the dog and supporting puppy mills?  How was the dog supposed to be protected during shipping?  Styrofoam peanuts?  Bubble wrap?

  11. NO, do not buy from that website.  No good breeder sells their dogs online!

    Sure, it SAYS "rescue" -- but rescues don't charge $500 for puppies.  And they don't boast "champion bloodlines" or charge extra for AKC registration.  All those things point to a BackYard Breeder.

    Check this site instead:

  12. when you first bring the puppy home introduce him to your other dog... then separate them so that you first dog is not overwhelmed and gets all territorial. Then each day let them spend more time together, but all this time make sure you dont scare the puppy with the older dog. soon they can be able to just roam around without being watched...

    good luck with puppy :)

  13. What do they do, like stuff the dog in a box with bubblewrap and ship it ot you?

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