
Buying a child's love?

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During a custody battle, when one parent (who is being truthfully proven as a irresponible parent) is suddening showering the child with alot of expensive gifts does that look bad toward that parent? Will it show the judge that the sudden money giving is just trying to buy the child's love just so that parent can win in the case?




  1. Yeah you can't buy a kid's love, just confuse them even more!

  2. The judge has seen it all and will see right through that.

  3. For children depending on the age they may not see the negative of it, they may feel the other parent loves them a lot and wants to get them more stuff but then they get to be adults and may realize what happened was wrong.  I know many non-custodial parents that will buy their kids lots of things or take them places to "spoil" them and try to make them look like the fun and great parent to be with.  I have known children to ask to go live with that parent instead because of it.  I find it so sad when a parent feels the need to buy their children like that.

  4. I agree with you

  5. Sometimes, becuase of the way that parents have raised children, these children grow up thinking that love can be purchased. Very materialistic thinking, but they don't know any other way of how to parent. Not rare, and yes the judge has seen it before and won't allow it to cloud what is truth and love. Good luck with your situation.

  6. the judge will see through that.

    my mom is STILL trying to buy my love, and she lost custody of me 5 years ago.

    eventually you grow up, and realize thigs dont equal up to the love that you want, and the things no longer matter.

  7. yes please bring this to your lawyer, defender, or counselors attention.... they will know how to handle this when bringing it to the courts attention .....they may be showering them with gifts as a sign of feeling guilty towards neglecting the child
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