
Buying ireland back from the brits?

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I wonder if we the irish put all our money into a bank account for the next 5 years could we afford to buy ireland back from the british? but there is always a floor in my questions but Democratic Unionist Party always went to be apart of the UK

why do the Democratic Unionist Party cares so much about the UK i never understood that?????




  1. get over it ian paisley and martin mc guineness laughing togther i thought i thouught nd see pigs fly first

  2. If the Northern Irish wanted independence they would have it They don't want it and no one has the right to demand it against their wishes!

  3. Ireland should be separate from the UK.

  4. Ireland isn't part of the UK so theres nothing to 'buy back'

    Are you talking about Northern Ireland?

    If so, the majority of people living there want to remain part of the UK, and they are the ones that matter here, not the people living outside of Northern Ireland.

    I know I'll get a few thumbs down for this but hey, bring it on, i speak the truth and its up to you whether or not u can face up to it or not!

  5. oh here we go again will everyone just get over the whole norther ireland thing its getting to be a very tired format now

  6. Nothing to pay for really. Northern Ireland is a full and active member state of the United Kingdom. If that part of the UK wishes to leave that union then it's up to them i.e. the people of the north and no one else.

    As for British troops still being in Northern Ireland? Easy, same reason as there's British troops in England, Wales and Scotland. It's British.

    If the DUP wish to remain British that's up to them and democracy.

    Personally I would rather the six counties were now part of a united Ireland,'s going to happen, just not tomorrow.

  7. 'Buy' it back??????

                         Do you think the Brits actually paid for Ireland???

    Before I get carried away into a rant, just type 'History of Ireland' into your search engine', and start reading!

                            The reason I am not going into a rant is because there is a lull at present , so why British troops are still in Northen Ireland I dont know??

                               It is my belief (and hope) that the whole of Ireland will be reunited, if the South agrees.

                                 It is now being tried democratically and if the Republicans get to power , I am pretty sure this will be on top of the list.

                                The whole of Ireland can then be free and all be part of the Common Market, the Unionists can of course all go off to England if they like that idea better!

                                   England will then be a little spot on its own!

    Scotland will soon be free, did the English  'buy' Scotland?

                                     Wales will very soon follow, did the English 'buy' Wales?

                                        Oh roll on the day!!!

    Wonder who the English will find to exploit then??

                                          I think I did great there by not going into a full blown rant, dont you????

            Hope ths helps?????

  8. Why do you not get that huge progress has been made in this area in the past 10 years, and that more can be achieved by taking small steps than great leaps?

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