
C'Mon. Someone Please?

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I am going to horse camp in 3 days, and my horse is going too. What do i pack for Broker and me? It will be for 1 week, and My Brokey is staying the night there. Quick! Need to go ahead and print off a list!




  1. Enough clothes for you to last more days then you'll be staying (pack for 1 or 2 more days so you have extra clothes).

    Any blankets, sheets, leg wraps, etc. that your horse needs.

    All the tack you regularly ride with, or use. Including halters, leads, grooming supplies, etc.

    Anything medical for you or your horse - I'm sure they'll have a first aid kit, but if your horse needs something specific, don't forget it!

    Bring your horse's coggins, I went to a camp where I was told I didn't need it, but I did. Had to trailer home. :(

    Extras of anything that might break.

    Dana F. is on the right track, but if it's for 1 week you will need more clothes then that...

    I said pack for more - but I didn't realize it was so long. If you know for sure you can wash your clothes while your there, bring what you think you will need and no more.

  2. list for you:

    you should bring a sleeping bag

    toothbrush/tooth paste



    if you can bring snacks,bring them

    obviosley clothes,and night wear

    riding wear(boots,helmet,etc.)

    for Broker:

    water bucket

    3 days worth of feed,maybe bring some extra just in case

    grooming tools



    fly mask

    fly spay

    crop if needed

    treats!! :)

  3. as well as your riding gear for yourself (helmet, boots, spurs, jacket, riding pants or levis, chaps(if thats your style), a small whip{just in case don't overuse it and not too hard}) and your hrse's gear. . .saddle w/ cinch, breast strap thing, halter, rope bridle and bit, reins{bring an extra set just in case}, and then all it food. . .hope this helps


    You don't say what kind of camp, but this list is pretty comprehensive. It should cover just about everything.

  5. you

    3-6 pairs of jeans

    10 socks

    10 underwears

    3-6 t-shirts

    2 sweat shirts

    2 pj

    1 hat

    1 suntalotion

    tooth brush




    leg wraps(if have)

    treats (like famiylar)





    horse shmpoo (not manditory)

    anything else that you might need! and from above and below persons things

  6. flyspray


    sunscreen if he has a pink nose

    make sure you bring any grain or special supplements he needs.

  7. Packing for your horse should include:

    2 halters (in case one breaks)

    2 leadropes



    2-3 saddle pads

    1-2 girths

    Splint and bell boots if you have them

    Shipping wraps/boots

    Fuzzy halter covers for shipping

    Fly spray

    Fly sheet/mask if you have it



    Gauze and various bandages

    All of his papers INCLUDING COGGINS and other vaccination papers

    Emergency numbers (your vet, farrier, shipper, etc)

    2 buckets (feed and water)


    1 bale of hay (even if they're providing hay. if it's bad, you'll want your own)

    1 bag of feed

    Blankets (depending on the forecast. bring a light sheet no matter what)

    Any meds or supplements your horse needs

    A few clear, detailed pictures of your horse (keep these with his papers in case he goes missing)

  8. Take all of your tack.

    He will need feed.

    Water Buckets.

    Always carry your medical kit (human and horsey).

    Horse sheet/blanket (depending on weather).

    You will need clothes for a week.

    Toothbrush, hairbrush, etc.

  9. For You:

    7 pairs of jeans

    9 shirts(just in case a couple get dirty)


    3 boots or sneakers


    Hair tyes(to put up ur hair)

    A blanket for sleeping

    Tooth brush

    Tooth paste

    a sleeping bag (if they dont provide u 1)

    Your horse:

    All tack

    like saddles brildes and halters

    Hair brush and cleaning supplies

    Rope to tie to a tree

    Fly mask if he needs one

    etc. almost everything u use daily...

    I hope you have a good time on your trip (i ride horses to!)

  10. I am sure others will list things. But I think, if your camp came with a pamphlet or if theres a website , im sure theres a list of things to bring.

    At least, there SHOULD be.

    Or ask the person that runs the camp and see what they say to bring, just so you can be sure. =)
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