
C&C Cage Question...?

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What can you put at the bottom of a C&C cage?

By that I mean bedding. Other than woodchips...

I don't like it when my guinea pigs kick up the woodchips everywhere!

Can you put like a matress cover thing? Cause I saw some people do that and put fleece over that but wouldn't the matress thing absorb the urine?

Well anyway, if you can answer my question I greatly appreciate it!




  1. I adopted 2 guinesa pigs a few months ago and built by own C & C cage from storage cubes and choroplast.  

    I line the bottom with regular newspaper, and then add a thick layer of CareFresh bedding.  I also put in one corner a small fleece blanket for them to lie on.

    I empty/clean the cage two times a week, but it's so easy that I don't mind so much.

  2. I definitely agree with Eeny.  Fleece and towels are the best bedding I have ever tried.  It's cheap, relatively easy to maintain, comfortable for the pigs, and it looks great.

    I use a thick layer of towels underneath, and then a single layer of fleece on top.  I sweep up stray hay and poops daily to twice daily.  I can usually go anywhere from 4-7 days between changes.  Just remove the fleece and towels and shake/brush off the hay and p**p.  Then wash with a bit of vinegar or bleach.  Do not use fabric softener and do not use a dryer sheet, these both cut down on the ability of the fleece to wick away urine.

    Great info here:

  3. If you don't like normal bedding you can use fleece. But you're going to need to buy quite a bit of it, and have your washing machine ready. The good thing about fleece is that it's reusable, but it needs to be changed and washed a lot. I would do a few layers of newspaper underneath, then a clean piece of fleece. Just fleece won't absorb too much. I suppose you could do a mattress cover or some other fabric, but then you're going to need to clean that too. I would imagine that newspaper would be much cheaper and easier to deal with, but that's up to you. But to answer your question simply, yes you can use fleece. Go to, they've got all kinds of ideas for both C&C and fleece bedding. Hope I could help!

  4. Great question! The most popular bedding to use along with C&C Cages is definitely Fleece & Towels. I've been using them for over a year and they work wonders! In the long run it's cheaper, easier to clean, looks nicer, and no bedding kicked around everywhere! You want to have two layers of towels on the bottom, which is what absorbs all of the urine. On the top you use fleece, which wicks the urine onto the towels so the guinea pigs don't walk in their pee. Wash the fleece over and over until you can put some water on it and it wicks right through. Then it's ready to be used!
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