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I'm a young writer (13) and I'm very interested in fashion. I want to start writing for a fashion magazine later. Does anyone know were I can get some writing practice? Any good websites, books, or anything




  1. try looking at something a writer wrote about in a fashion magazine, but dont look at what thaey wrote, write about it, and compare your writing to the writers. read a lot of tham of different writers.

    hope it helps


  2. A good friend of mine said "Writers are people who write."

    So, write.

    Then write some more.

    Rewrite, taking something and perfecting it.

    Give it to friends or whoever else might be interested. Put it in a blog on the web and see if people give you feedback. (There are a bunch of free services you can use to make a blog.)

    Every so often, reread your older writings, comparing them to what you do now. Maybe take your best, and rewrite them.

    I don't know why you feel you need some "where" to practice.

    You have a computer, that's all you need, besides your own brain.

    An excellent book is Elements of Style by Strunk & White. Use it.

    Take advantage of all opportunities to write -- classwork, school newspapers -- anything. Create your own Newsletter.

  3. i think Barnes and noble has writing course, if not pick up some info about writing, writing comes from the first expression you get when you see something ,its like art only written with words. so pick up a European fashion magazine, the ones that are written in another language, look at the pics and write about the feeling you get as you take in the photos and everything else, then have someone read it and give you an opinion.

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