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i want a pet but my mom wont let me since she says she will end up taking care of it.....n e 1 have ideas so i can show her i will take care of it?




  1. Talk with your mom and see about getting some kind of plant first. I know it sounds dumb, but if you can prove you can take care of it for a long time then you should be able to take care of a small pet like a hamster or fish.

  2. Well if she says no it will probably stay as no but if you want get a goldfish and feed it and stuff and if she sees you clean she'll see that your a responsible kid

  3. if its a dog that you want then try having your mom buy you a cheap robotic dog. this is what my parents did when they thought i couldn't handle a pet. a robotic dog usually needs "food" and "walks", which is what a real dog would need in addition to water, and love. tell your mom that if you can take care of this dog for 1 month than you will be able to get a dog. :) if its any other pet, try taking care of a neighbor or friend's pet to show responsibility !

    good luck !

  4. She's probably right.

  5. obviously you haven't done a good job of it so far...

    so now you have to work twice as hard to prove you can. That's how life works, so learn the lesson of  what you do now can affect you in the future....

    I think now you must make some kind a deal with her. tell her you will improve in another area (ie, your grades, your clean up habits, or whatever) and  agree on something that will allow you to later, not now, get your pet. If you cannot do this, you probably wouldn't have taken care of the pet either. sorry to pee on your parade...

  6. well hun,, its not easy what you think,, it cost money to for vets and stuff,,but it dont hurt to try to get a pet,, what kind do you have in mind,, and if you really want one,, tell ur mother this,, it might work,,tell her if you dont get a pet,, you are thinking to get a baby.. lol..but dont? its not right,, just helping u.   1.good luck..

  7. Many many years ago my Uncle Ed (who just died) wanted to get my a beagle but my mom (RIP) put the skids to the idea. I was heartbroken but Mom was the boss and I was a kid so that's that. In hindsight, mom was probably right as I may not have done the dirty work with the dog. If I were you, I'd just wait till some time passes and ask mom again. Maybe, try to reassure here you'll take care of the dog and not she.

  8. Clean house, do extra work, work hard in school, don't drop as many hints and start helping

  9. get a fish. feed it twice a day. dont have to play with it.

    easiest pet ever.

  10. take it one step at a!um...........turtle........ responsible take it one step at a time....and u could get a dog r cat!:)

  11. haha! tell your mom that it will teach you more responsibility.

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