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can some one explain the movie the dark knight 10 points to whoever explain it well.




  1. All these "civilized" people have given you the answers you wanted..... then why should I have all the fun....

  2. batman wins!!

  3. It's about being forced to confront the contradictions of one's own principles. Learning one's limitations ... and having to suffer through the loss of loved one's sacrificed by one's own unwillingness to think outside one's self-made box.  And finally ... about transcending those limitations when circumstances demand it.

  4. Actually thats incorrect! Batman loses! (KT)

    He loses the love of his life and is no longer Gothams hero.

    He becomes an outkast.

    Batman however sees this as a sacrifice he must make in order to keep the citizens of Gotham safe. Someone has to do the dirt work. Someone has to make the decisions nobody else dares to make.

    Thats my super short version of it all....hope it helps

  5. Batman wins because the joker's main objective was to show how corrupt people really are. He tried to corrupt Batman by making him break his vow never to kill. And Batman never did kill anyone. The joker did corrupt Harvey Dent, Two-Face, however. But Batman took the blame for Dent's crimes so Harvey's crimes wouldn't go public and he could die a hero for Gotham. Because Batman never killed anyone and Harvey's crime never got out to the public, Batman foiled the Joker's plot to corrupt everyone. And the Joker doesn't die, he gets arrested and sent to Arkham Asylum.

  6. To sum it all up, Batman did not win nor lose.  Harvey Dent lost the fight for good against the Joker.  The Joker was out to prove that deep down, everyone is just like him.  Here's some dialogue to help:

    BATMAN: This town just showed you that it's full of people ready to believe in good.

    JOKER: Until their spirit breaks completely! Until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent...and all the heroic things he's done. You didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul in a fist fight with you? No, you need an ace in the hole.  Mine's Harvey.

    BATMAN: What did you do?

    JOKER: I took Gotham's 'White Knight' and brought him down to our level, it wasn't hard.  You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity.  All it takes is a little push!

    All Batman did was cover for Harvey.  At the end of the film, when Two-Face dies at 250 52nd Street, Commissioner Gordon had already had his men set up a perimeter, telling them that there was a situation, yet they didn't know who was behind it all.  The situation was: Harvey Dent was there, threatening his family after he already killed 5 people.  Both Gordon and Batman agreed that the worst thing possible for the people of Gotham was to learn that their unmasked hero turned out to be a criminal himself.  You must remember that they are in the middle of restoring order to the city after it was overrun by the mob.  So Batman told Gordon to tell his men that he, Batman, was responsible for those deaths that Harvey caused.  By preserving Dent's image, the citizens would have faith that they could take their city back by electing good leaders that would make decisions to better their city, as opposed to putting on bat-suits and beating criminals to a pulp during their nights.

    As far as the Joker is concerned, he didn't die but was placed back in Arkham Asylum.  More dialogue for you:

    JOKER: You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness.  And I won't kill you because you're too much fun.  You know, I think we're destined to do this forever, you and I.

    BATMAN: You'll be in a padded jail forever.

    JOKER: Maybe we could share one.  You know, they'll be doubling up the rate this city's inhabitants are losing their minds.

    There you have it, Batman took the fall to prevent the Joker from winning and the Joker is back in the asylum.  Sorry so long I just LOVE this movie, if you can't tell.

    Hope It Helps!!

  7. Then I assume you want spoilers? First off, the title Dark Knight refers to Batman in comparison to the lawyer Harvey Dent (not him as Two Face). In the second half of the movie, Bruce Wayne explained to either his butler or the Lieutenant Gordon, I forget, but he said that Gotham sees Harvey Dent as a White Knight who comes to save people from evil. This is because Harvey Dent was a great prosecutor whom everyone thought was uncorruptable. But Batman explained that if there is a white knight/hero that everyone looks up to, then there must also be someone whom they can use as a scapegoat, someone to take all the burden who can become a character foil so that he can make the hero looks even greater. I felt that this movie was less about Batman than it is about the fight against inner demons in everyone else. Not only does Batman  have to struggle with doing what's right, Harvey Dent, and the citizens of Gotham does too. I like that scene when they were trapped on the two ships and none could bring themselves to blow up the other ship. It's all about evil vs. good and how far evil runs in each person's vein.  

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