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do you think Mary Harney (minister for health) will loose her job after the vote of no confidence at approximately 6.30 today?




  1. she better

    she is a disgrace

    how can a healthminsiter m=be 11110000000kg

  2. Here's hoping!

  3. No

    Bertie survived the no confidence motion. Mary Harney will too i reckon

  4. Oh she does my head in! she's a girl dog with a capital B. The way she treated the nurses' need earlier this year was appaling.

  5. Probably not. I think that Bertie is likely to get something of a fright though - his own job is a bit loose, it's looking increasingly likely he'll lose it.

  6. hopefully i cant stand her

  7. i hope not

    she's the only one in the Dail who knows what they're doing

  8. She will keep her job cos the Govt TD's will vote to keep her and she is not personally responsible for what happenned, but this should be a wake up call for the Irish Health service.

  9. No. Mary will still be there come the weekend.

  10. I think she should lose her job she has proved herself to be completely incapable of doing this job.

    I honestly think our whole government needs a shake up, Bertie should never have gotten back in!

  11. nope sorry the heffers still there!!!

  12. Hopefully!!

  13. she should but she wont!!!

  14. No

  15. if she loses her job, who else is going to take it? nobody wants the minister for health job. She and the staff at the midlands should be held responsible. not just her...she can't visit every hospital in the republic!

  16. Probably...

  17. she get a vote of no confidence it about time her & the PDs mick lrean what a vote means.

  18. Poor Mary is a scape goat for Bertie and co, he gave her the health job knowing his party had already messed up.  A vote of no confidence would not achieve anything.

    Any changes the minister does try to bring in is blocked by unions, argued by administration etc, more money is being put into the health service but its going into management pockets and not on the wards where we want to see it.

    Time to change how the health managers are running the various health boards, and allow Mary to do her job.

    I'm not right wing, and agree with very little PD politics, but voting against Mary is this way is a joke, and will not achieve anything

  19. No. I think she should, definitely, but I don't think she will.

  20. no she wont. not when the rest of the party aren't allowed to voice their true opinions. maybe they would vote for her anyway but what kind of democracy is it when the people in Government don't even have a say. They are the people we elect to have our say.  not really getting much of a chance to do that. it annoys me.
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