
CDA Competency Goals?

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I have my goals, I have never worked with children before now. I am STRUGGLING with putting the right words together to make sense. I am having such a hard time with 1-3, I almost don't want to attempt 4-6. I need some guidence from ANYONE. I have asked my instructor and all I received from her was a list, but I still don't know how to word it. I believe this is a problem since I have never worked with children.....PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. Just pretend you are talking to a parent, friend, or co-student. Ask in your mind "How do I promote safety in my class?" Then just talk it out loud like you would to a friend. "To promote safety in my class, I make sure all electrical outlets have safety covers on when I arrive in the class. I then check.........To promote healthy habits, I teach and practice proper handwashing............" Just do a mental 'walk-around' the room. these essays are pretty easy, not college-level papers.  The CDA booklet really gives you an insight, just pick it up from the list.

  2. I agree with the first responder. You should have experience in the field (and know that this is what you want to do) before you try to apply for a CDA. Are you working in the field at the time?  I can't remember the competency goals in the correct order, but as far as the Health & Safety goal - Just write a page about how you make sure your children are as healthy & safe as possible while they are in your classroom. I'm sure you: have them brush their teeth after lunch, you encourage hand washing, you practice monthly fire drills, you have a "fire safety" week, etc. If you need anymore help, let me know.

  3. If you have never worked with children why are taking a CDA class? You must have 420 hours experience to apply for a CDA. A Competency Statement is about what you do in your classroom. For example, "Every morning when I come in I check to make sure the outlet covers are in place and the cabinet under the sink is locked", not "It is the policy of my program to keep cabinets locked." The statements are your chance to prove you meet the standards with concrete examples.

  4. Maybe you need a class in writing skills. You need to put things in words that will let others in the field of early child education understand that you know what is expected of a teacher. This does not really have to do with the goals in your CDA accomplishments this is how to communicate with others. Think of taking a class or workshop on how to write about the goals. Others can not do this for you.
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