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My school is taking about 40 kids to Costa rica for 3 weeks. we are going horseback riding, hiking etc. Do you have any clothing suggestions or extra stuff i might need or any tips??




  1. I think that the most important things to take are flip flops, sun glasses, a water bottle, a light jacket and an umbrella. I used my umbrella every single day in Costa Rica when I was there from September to December.

    Have a safe and fun trip!

  2. wear what you like... just bring some OFF so the mosquitos don't eat you alive. unless you are use to it

  3. That sounds awesome. I'm going to ecuador for the summer so I've been doing some research about this kinda stuff.

    As far as clothing, you should bring good shoes, maybe hiking boots and they should be waterproof. Bring a lot of socks and sock liners are a good idea too; they help prevent blisters. Bring some types of clothing that are light but long sleeved/pants; this will help if there are a lot of bugs. Sunglasses and a hat too. Insect repellant and sunblock.

    Also..check with your doctor and go to the center for disease control website to see if you will need any vaccinations. I was recommended to get them for yellow fever, malaria and hepatitis a, but it depends on the specific area to which you are going.

    Many people in Costa Rica speach English, but I would recommend learning some basic phrases and that you bring a spanish/english dictionary; assuming you don't know spanish.

    That's all I can think of at the moment, I hope it helps.

  4. Don't take lots of jewlery (that you value), light jacket for the nights, summer clothes, a pair or two of jeans and  t-shirts (you might want to bring a long sleeve t-shirt just in case)

  5. Since you mentioned "strictly no English" :)

    Le puedo decir que dependiendo de la zona que visite de Costa Rica así será la indumentaria que necesitara… para montar a caballo y paseos en áreas rurales lo mejor son jeans, zapatos cómodos y resistentes, algún tipo de sombrero o gorra y muy importante repelente para insectos.

    Mucha agua para evitar deshidratación y una cámara fotográfica para no perderse de nada jajajaja.

    I hope that works for you, and if you or any of your kids like to share their travel experience just go ahead and check the link below

  6. Here it rains a lot, so you must bring several trousers and blouses, as well as other pairs of sneakers, sweater, hat, stockings and layers if they grab by rain.

    They must also bring mosquito repellent if you go to the mountains, bronzing when leaving in the morning because after 10 am makes too much sun (when it does not rain) almost always raining in the afternoon.

    Good travel and enjoy our land.


  7. Clothing can depend on where you are going.

    If you are going to be high in the mountains, then you need pants and a light jacket, as it can be quite cool... especially at night.

    If you are going to be at sea level, then shorts and a t-shirt.

    That being said, when you go hiking and stuff you will want to wear jeans and good shoes.

  8. You've got to go into the rain forest. Summer clothes is all you'll need, a light jacket. Have fun. Binoculars are a good idea--so many exotic birds around. After thought--They're all thieves there! I am not kidding, it's their way of life. And, pedestrians have no rights--if you're on foot, you look out for cars, because they will not stop for you.

  9. ok, no english

    Trae ropa cómoda, lo que uses todos los días un par de jeans y camisetas estan bien.

    En esta época del año llueve bastante,a si que trae ropa que te proteja de la lluvia y como temprano hace sol. ropa para el sol.

    En realidad, no necesitas de nada especial, auqnue no lo creas usamos ropa común y corriente.

    Feliz viaje.

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