
Cake decorating help!!??

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I'm throwing a surprise birthday party for a family friend and i'm planning to make a cake. (just a a box-cake) I have no cake decorating skills at all but i want this cake to look nice. I'm 17..and have probably only decorated about 5 cakes in my life-time. i can't even think of a cute design for the cake. The birthday girl will be 33yrs old..any ideas or tips? please help..




  1. I have no time for decorating cakes so what I learn to do is find things to add.

    I did not know how to make cake flowers so I would buy some carnations and would line the base of the cake. Then a few years ago my nephew wanted to make a ginger bread house for christmas we have made dozens and we need a lot of candy these are magic. You can make something simple and use any style of candy and it looks like you work for hours.

    You can use any kind of candy like snow caps or any flat candy something with a lot of color and just decorate the outside of the cake.

    Then on the top you can put a small container like a basket or pail of things she likes. You can even cut a circle in the middle of the cake and put some flowers there.

    Just remember that when you decorate a cake you have to let it cool down for the best frosting; I put a lite coat then put it back in the fridge then finish frosting it. This way the crumbs don't get in the frosting.  

  2. Dip some (washed and dried) 33 strawberries into dark or white chocolate  and make a neat pile in the center, and some around the edges. and write happy 33rd birthday on the cake...or you could write it on some of the strawberries.

  3. make balloon's with pastry bag without tip in bag put string with writing tip


    this website has a lot of cute cupcakes... i know its not a sheet cake but seriously they have great ideas. just take one  of them and make it into a sheet cake design

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