
Cake delivery in Queensland Australia?

by Guest56910  |  earlier

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I live in the US, my bf is in Queensland Australia, his b-day is coming up and I want to send him a cake, whats the best way to do it? Any good cake delivery places there you know of?




  1. Kiss Cakes can be delivered worldwide:

  2. I would definitely avoid sending a cake you made yourself, the customs officers would eat it for sure, not only would it have to be quarantined it would be ages before your boyfriend received it, if at all!

    Another business in Australia which does nice cakes is Michel's Pattisserie.

    The best way to find a local business that can do a delivery to your boyfriend's address is to search on , which is a directory for finding local businesses in Australia. I just tried it for cake shop in QLD and it brings up plenty of options. The only issue here is a lot of places won't have a website so you will have to rely on them having a phone payment service, and a trustworthy kind of tone. :)

  3. Australian qurantine,  tehy have funny ideas!  best thing you can do, is check with your local "mailorder" facility, and or if you got a MAJOR department store nearby, check if they have any agreement, with an Australian department store, in regards to food arrangements , THE name you should use when asking  is this one " david jones" but should they mention connection to this one "myer" then it's ok too!! good luck p.sp got friends here?? might be easier to arrange in secret!

  4. queensland is a big place so I hope this of some help.

    Go to telstra telephone directory then click on white pages online, then type in 'the cheesecake shop' and this is a franchise and they have many shops throughout queensland.   I haven't heard if they deliver but you could phone them and ask.  there phone number will come up.  good luck

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