
Calcium from somewhere other than milk.?

by Guest60430  |  earlier

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I can no longer eat milk and i am worried about oesteoperosis. Is there an easy way of making sure I get enough calcium.

I have already discovered that broccoli is high in calcium but there is only so much of one veg that you can eat plus it is expensive.

I can't eat nuts either and I can't stand milk substitutes like soya or rice.

Is there a calcium supplement that i can buy?




  1. Hello,

    Your best option will be to discuss this with your family doctor and come up with a long term solution to this situation. Boniva is one option and there should be other available through pills and injections.  

  2. Along with broccoli try adding other dark greens to your diet.  You can also find calcium chews (flavored like candy) at any drugstore- they also make tablets.  Good luck, I know it's hard to get enough calcium in  your diet without dairy products- I have the same problem :)

  3. Salutations,

    There are many different suppliments out there. Caltrate for example, Tum is a good source of calcium, but it will lower the amout of acid available in your stomach when you use it.

    Are you lactose intolerant? have you tried lactaid, this might help you out. Good luck. Cheers

  4. Calcium pills are great but make sure they have vitamin D as well. I take one every day. Also avoid carbonated drinks as the prevent your body from absorbing calcium. Best of Luck.

  5. What about other green leafy vegs, like Kale. It has loads of calcium also.

  6. take a pill! they sellcalcium  vitamins. i had to take them when i broke some bones

  7. Many foods contain calcium.  The FDA has a list:

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