
California drivers....why oh why!!!?

by  |  earlier

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have some people completely forgotten the far left lane is for faster traffic and that the right lanes are for slower on the 405 freeway this morning and theres a lady doing 40 mph in the fast lane..the right lanes were moving faster than her...any thoughts..angering experiences?? id like to hear them!!




  1. It seems the "Rules of the Road" are a thing of the past. I would sure like to see the CHP write more citations for this offense. Slow drivers in the fast lane cause as many , if not more, accidents than speeders. To be fair, I have run across this problem in almost every state I have driven in, not just California.

  2. How fast is 'fast'? If I'm at 65 (max speed limit) in the no. 1 lane, am I too slow? And if the guy behind me wants to do 80 or 90 and the guy behind him is doing 125, then everybody in front of these two is going slower. Only x-number of vehicles can be squeezed into any given lane and there ain't enough lanes on the 405, the 10, 105 or any other roadway to accommodate every vehicle plus the speed whim of each driver. And if I'm at 65 in the no. 1 lane and you're on my bumper trying to muscle me out of the way, who do you think the CHP is going to flag?

    That's why we should go along (at about the same speed) to get along.

  3. One of my biggest pet peeves when driving on the highway, get out of the d**n passing lanes you slow ^##$%^$$#%'s

  4. I like to go between 25 mph and 175 mph in the left lane. I'm just like that. I only go slow if there's someone behind me.

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