
Calling all red wings fans again!!!?

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Do you think that the red wings should pick up Ryan Miller or just keep osgood




  1. Ozzie...course I dont know if I want us keeping Miller, either...zuhhh.

  2. It all depends on Hasek... I don't think Osgood should be put in 60+ games just so he is fresh for the playoffs so is hasek satys it's perfect.... I think miller may be overkill as we really only need a guy who can be good for about 25-30 games.... someone like ty conklin would be perfect maybe we call up howard...

  3. Keep OsBad. I'll puke if I have to see Miller in a Dead Things jersey.

  4. Easy. Miller costs too much money. Get rid of Hasek, and keep Osgood. Osgood will start next year and play about 50 games, and bring up Jimmy Howard to back him up cuz Howard is ready. Howard was doing the d**n thing in the minors. Give Howard 30 games this year, have him split time with Ozzie the next season, then give Howard the reigns to become the Starter.

  5. Deoit has won it .

  6. Given the opportunity, you have to go with Miller.  Have Ozzie mentor him for a while then make the move.

  7. keep ozzie he is awesome in the playoffs he wasnt a starter he took his team to the stanley cup boi

  8. Keep Ozzie.  You have a great goalie signed for less than 1.5 million a year for three years.  Why waste cap space to sign Miller, give some players raises.

  9. as good as hasek's career was he deserved another cup, so he will retire happily this year.  they will bring up howard and have osgood starting.  I think that D could make cloutier look decent.

  10. just keep osgood

  11. I'm a cheerleader for Osgood, and think he's underrated because he is so calm under pressure, making the job he does look rather easy, in comparison to some of the 'athletic' goalies with shiny reputations.  I feel like a stuck record saying this, but the team as a whole plays a different game in front of him, to the way they play in front of Hasek.

    Clearly they are going to keep Osgood - they extended his contract earlier in the season, for another 3 years.  Apparently the door is open for Hasek to stay on, though this time I believe he'll retire, in which case there is a vacancy for a goaltender.  Howard doesn't seem to get much kudos in this forum, though I thought he did fine when Ozzie had his meltdown, and the Wings have recently signed another young goalie from (?) Finland - I'll have to check that one.

    On top of all that, I'm not sure if Miller is really a prospect - politically would he be content to be Osgood's backup, could the Wings honestly justify making Osgood a backup?  Here is a can of worms that will need to be opened if Hasek retires, and I'll have to trust Ken Holland to be savvy on this one.

  12. I probably shouldnt answer this one, I'm biased, but here goes, definately keep Ozzie, He was a driving force in the playoffs, and I really expect Hasek to retire this year, anyway.

  13. have to keep the OZ

  14. ozzie

  15. Keep Ozzy.  They do need to dump Hasek since his glass groin is probably cracked now.  They also need to find a goalie for the future since Ozzy is 38 (I think).  Let Jimmy Howard or so other new guy back him up for a year and then split starts.  They will probably need a new starter in the next 2 years.

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