
Cambodian Spiders And Bugs

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Can someone please tell me about the spiders in Cambodia?

I'm going next week.

I get that they fry them and eat them...are they everywhere?

Are they in your hotel rooms?

What other enormous bugs in my room do i need to worry about? :|

I'm not a girly girly, I'm generally a tough chick.

But enormous spiders and bugs (by bugs i meant the gross ones; Roaches and such) are my Kryptonite.





  1. There are some HUGE bugs in Asia, and in Indochina esspecially, but dont worry as i doubt you will encounter any in your hotel room.

    As for the tree spiders that they roast and eat, they get them from the rainforests and transport them into town for consumption.

    At night you will often see large roaches scuttering along on the street esspecialy when close to disguarded rubbish, just give them a wide berth.

    Areas of thick vegetation and bright lights are where you are most likely to find big bugs, stay out of the jungle and away from spot lights and you will be fine.

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