
Camping with some buddies. Good ideas?

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Were going tenting this Friday in a MN State Park, what should I bring. Bathrooms are available, electricity is available too. Frisbee? Football? Or is just sitting there and relaxing a good idea for 16-18 year olds. There is a small river in the park, so swiming is out of the question.




  1. Yo just hang out with a frisbee a football some horshoes, a soccerball. And just get dirty, messy, and just chil. Bring a portable cooler, a portable grill make some hot dogs and burgers and some cold drinks and just kik bak and relax. Thats what its all about!

  2. I just wanted to clear up some very uncommon misconceptions you may have inadvertently stumbled upon online: Only people with bad knees or poor balance need walking sticks, not teenagers. Listerine is not a poor man's Permethrin, and a bear canister will serve you better than bear spray, but if you're camping in an area frequented by bears, they usually have steel bear boxes at each campsite in which to store your food, otherwise storing it in one's vehicle is usually the alternative, and protects it from raccoons and rodents as well. Also, moist towelettes are one way to keep clean, but a bottle of water dumped over your head and a scrub with a washcloth or bandana will be even better.

    People usually go hiking, fishing, canoeing, rock climbing, bird watching, mountain climbing, or some kind of wilderness-type activity, since you're in the wilderness. If you want to play football or frizbee you could do that at the park, but up in the mountains by all means take advantage of the situation and do something different. With all those guys around one of the main things you all will be doing is cooking.

  3. Don't forget to bring a deck of cards. It does rain here in MN. A radio is another good thing to have.

  4. surprise your friends pick up 4 hiking walking sticks walmart have some my self. or if money tight Home depo type store 1" wood dowel 6" long sand bottom to a V or pick up in the fastener isle the rubber feet to replace the ones on the chairs at the house work good too.MN Hmmmmm pick up a bottle of Bear spray keep it safe. Boys or girls don't matter Do your self a favor Miskito's love us when camping. Listerine a big bottle pour in a spray bottle I am telling you now it works better than power steering in a car you wont believe it until you try it.Spray around camp site; Also pick up some moist towelette in the baby Isle they work great when hiking and your a little worn out. I am a hunter I hike on average 12 miles every time I go out some times sleep on the trail [Bear spray] comes in real handy some times.

  5. Are there fish in the river?  Camping trips and fishing seem to go well naturally.  Lots of firewood is great to have so you can make a big campfire to hang around at night.  Frisbee and football are always good, so is any other kind of game, you could even bring a horseshoe set, etc.  

  6. beer

  7. Football. Hiking. Just be aware of your surroundings and keep your items locked as you are not at home but in a public facility.

  8. I cannot imagine 16-18 year olds sitting around for long. Hide and Seek, wide games if you have enough people, bring the frisbee and football. If it rains and you are stuck in the tent, think ahead and bring cards or board games.Or just play in the rain. Remember several changes of clothes.

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