
Can ALL horses swim,?

by  |  earlier

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this is a difficult question ,one i have experienced?




  1. no "rocking horses" can't swim! haha

  2. When we were in the Bahamas we took horses out into the ocean(we were on them) and they swam fine. It was really fun. If I were by an ocean now, I'd take my horse into it. All we have is a lake which I'm not sure if we can do it in here. We also cross a river where I live on one of the trails.

  3. Think they would find it hard to do freestyle unless they were wearing the light racing plates!!!!!

  4. i have no idea

  5. yes all horses can swim easly

    and it is natural

  6. I don't think all of them can swim. I doubt that they could swim in very deep water.

  7. You can get these horse swimming pool things which helps them build up strength in their legs if they've hurt one, etc. I think most of them can swim, but some of them might not like swimming, like dogs. My dog CAN swim, but she pretends she can't because she's scared of swimming.

  8. I've watched many horses be given swim therapy and I have yet to see one that couldn't swim.  Caveat:  I have never seen anyone try to swim a heavy draft horse like a Belgian or Shire, so I don't know how a horse with that physical build would swim.  all "light" horse breeds (i.e., the kinds of horses we commonly think of as riding horses) seem to be able to swim, although some take to it more readily than others.

  9. If somebody takes the time to teach them. Sea horses do it without any training at all.

  10. Their not really swimming, they are panicking.

    They will float and kick till they are tired, then sink and drown.

  11. yes they can

  12. Difficult to find out as you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it swim.

  13. I think they all have the same natural reflexes when they get into water, so apart from some horses being stronger than others etc, I think all horses can swim as well as each other.

  14. Yes, not all of them like to swim and some are better than others. But, much like dogs and most four legged animals, in a pinch they can swim for a short time.
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