
Can Catnip Help Migraines?

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The newspaper today said Catnip can help migraines. Has anyone tried this? Do you just use some of your cats catnip and steep it in tea? Do you and your cat fight over it? Just kidding on the last question?




  1. never heard that before.... but that would be cool if it works lol :)

  2. you make it into a tea. or you can massage an acupressure point in your hands, large intestine point number 4, called ho ku or the great eliminator. it is in the fleshy part ofeachhand between the thumb and the index finger, squeeze hard with the other hand, then switchhands and do the other one. your migraine should be gone before it is also an abortion point, so do not use it if you are pregnant and wish to remain so.

  3. maybe kinda like weed

  4. Maybe....

    But first you gotta find a cat that bites.


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