
Can Chelios retire now?

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Or does he have to finish the rest of the post season?




  1. why because he was on the ice for the game winner for Dallas lol and was about to get off the ice when it happened

    do you think he for got what to do because of his old age or something lol lol

  2. Chelios is a douche. I could careless what happens to him.

  3. He's moving down in the ranks but let him play to 50. Come on. He's still a decewnt defenseman and leader

  4. i think he's had a marvelous career...and for those of us that were cheering against him so many nights he has withstood the test of time, 20 years olds, and obviously cryogenics.  great player, wonderful leader, and a bruiser if need be...i'll miss him.  but i would like to see him leave with all his physical capabilities...he has NOTHING to be ashamed of in his career.  i doubt anyone will question his character or reason if he does.

  5. Yes, but that would be stupid.

  6. Chelios said he wouldn't retire for at least another couple years.

  7. He can retire now if he wanted but I have no idea why he would do so right in the middle of the western conference finals.

  8. let him finish and hopefully win one more cup

  9. Is this question because you are wondering if a aging player can retire in the post-season in general? or because you are frustrated that he went to the bench opening a passing lane for Turco to initiate a goal?

    If its the second, I understand your frustration but I wouldn't fault him for underestimating what Turco can do with his skates and his stick... it was an easy mistake to make.

  10. okay so i'm going to go to what i think of brett favre and respond to this.

    he can retire anytime he wants to whether it be now, after 2002 (time machine), or playing till 52 like gordie. but he atleast has to finish the rest of the post season and re-evaluate what he wants to do, and he can't pull a selanne niedermayer, or even a favre retire and comeback.

    hey comeon don't laugh about his mistake today. i was so sad for him. the last thing they had on sports center before sunday morning (officially) was of him skating off the ice looking disappointed with himself. i'll explain why i was sad, not because detroit lost, but cause i was watching the finland game and they kept saying "and maybe this will be selanne's last exit from the hockey stage", and they kept doing the same thing with the video of chelly skating off the rink after the botched line change and said the same thing about him retiring.

    they had draper on a prime time show here, while the announcers were ripping into hasek sitting on the bench and litterally fading/greying away, and kris didn't laugh one bit and was really supportive of the dominator. i was 100% with the commentators. lol at "Cheliosaurus" & "Hasekadactyl".

    that was a quick change of answer habs fan, and now it has all the edits. i actually thought you had spanish, french and piglatin translations. lol.

    yeah. it sucks for him, but he has choices so hopefully he makes a smart decision. i sentence him to the marty turco offseason training regimen.

    hahaha. i'm not disagreeing with everyone here...he gets a lot of this retirement talk...and i agree with everyone here. seriously. and also just cause i thought it was a sad oldtimers moment, doesn't mean it wasn't funny. laugh all you want.

  11. I'm almost Positive that if the Wings make it all the way this year (Crossing her fingers REALLY doesn't wanna jinx it), He'll retire. He's said himself that he wants to accomplish a few things before he retires, is have a hat trick(Doubt thats going to happen), and Win Stanely one more time, (Hopefully).

  12. Technically-- I would say he would find some red tape concerning salary..

    Theoretically--- whenever he wishes..

    Realistically--- ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!   We havent even nominated or researched the second oldest player in the NHL to fill in for all those old f**t jokes..  Besides-- Cheliosaurus sounds a c**p-load better than Hasekadactyl any day..  

    jk  Vin ---- Even I hope Cheli  stays around a while..

  13. Turco has more points.....actually more than him and Maltby combined. Seems to be useful on the PK for the most part though, no?

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