
Can Ghosts be g*y?

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Can Ghosts be g*y?




  1. If they were g*y while alive then they are the same dead.

  2. The real question is: Can a question be so stupid that its readers are dumber for having been exposed to it? "Can ghosts be g*y?" is strong evidence that it can.

  3. Better question, can ghosts have s*x even?

  4. If they were in life, why not in death?  I can't imagine they would still be going around trying to pick up guys though! ♥

  5. I know for a fact this question is............

  6. Caspar..Flying around when guys are sleeping.I always knew there was something fruity about him..Always giggling too.I saw an episode of him watching a Clay Aiken video as well.

    Friendly ghost my ***.

    BTW-You know that your name is TUMS backwards?Now I'm freaked out..GET ME OUTTA THIS SECTION!!

  7. I dont think being straight or g*y will matter when someone dies.

  8. no.  end of sentence.

  9. nope if you kill yourself your not going to become a ghost dont even try

  10. do they have condoms on those place?

    u know, other world. different side of us

    this is fun!

  11. Sure they can the leave the normal life with whatever kind of life style they have.

  12. A spirit or spirit guide or angel..or whoever...told me that "spirits don't have s*x"..So..I don't know if there's really any gender or gender preference etc. I think we'll be more like angels...It will be a different kind of love. (I think). But then what about those incubus and succubus spirits?Well...I'm confused now!

  13. Sure, but I doubt they would go pick up men! Love, me♥♥♥

  14. They reenact what they did in real life. Ghosts are non-sentient they are only playing back what the person did in real life. Act, walk, talk, they are no more g*y or straight than a picture or any other recording.

  15. Why not? There have been many famous people in history who were g*y such as sir Issac Newton and Leonardo Davinci

  16. One of the bummers about the afterlife is that there isn't any s*x. Did you ever see two ghosts going at it? I didn't think so. And boy are those Muslim terrorists going to be disappointed when they find that 72 virgins stuff was just an enlistment scam to get them to blow themselves up!. Anyhow, sexual orientation doesn't carry any meaning in the afterlife so ghosts aren't g*y or straight. They are kind of in an undefined state, somewhat like Tom Cruise.

  17. yea if they were when they are alive then they will be afterwards also..

  18. sure why would they change what they like just cause they have died

  19. They are people aren't they?

    I suppose they should still be considered him/her, rather than it. And I guess if they were g*y in life and left behind a partner that they love, they'd still be considered g*y by us if they still love the person.

  20. I am sure people can perceive homosexual ghosts almost as easily as they can perceive heterosexual ghosts.
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