
Can Gordon Brown hang on ?

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Can Gordon Brown hang on ?




  1. who's Gordon Brown? :d

  2. Nope, not unless he develops some upper body strength.............oops hold tight Gordon, here comes a bend!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh God, I hope not

  4. lets hope not

  5. A fine British coup is already in the offing.  One can already imagine that once the Milliband has completed his A-Levels, he will get busy sharpening up the blades of war.

    I have no doubt too that there are other top-guns in the Labour Party who hanker after Brown's job and will do anything to take it, even before a general election is called.

    Look what happened to the Thatcherite person!

    All things are possible. . . . .

    . . . .oops. . . .on second thoughts, better stick with the Devil we know for a while. . . .blimus!

  6. As was the case with the previous Blair Governments, it was not that Labour won but that the Conservatives defaulted by their abysmal candidates. If they face the same patsies as before, sure he can hang on.

    I live in Canada, but I heard about the ecofreak who wanted to hang on to him!  Ha Ha.

  7. I think so yes. he's a viscious tough bloody-minded control freak who will survive till the next election where he will be land-slided out.

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