
Can I Still Get Drivers Permit?

by  |  earlier

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I have glasses but in 1 of my eyes the vision is 20/200 (i think, its really bad), but in the other its 20/20, will i still be allowed to drive as long as i have my glasses or will they not let me obtain a liscence?




  1. Yes you can drive.  

  2. You can drive once you have correct glasses or contacts for both of your eyes.

  3. sure can.. as long as you tell them.. my partner has eye problems and has his normal licence and truck just has to wear glasses when driving

  4. you just have to pass both the writin and the drivers and tell them you have a visual disibility

  5. well if your glasses correct your eye problem and you can see when you wear them

    then there's no problem

  6. If your vision is THAT bad (they perform an eye test and make sure you have glasses/contacts) they will write it down in your license that you should be driving with glasses/contacts. They won't deny you your license just because you have bad vision, they just make it mandatory to be driving with the glasses/contacts and it will be notated in the card. If you are pulled over while not wearing the glasses/contacts you'll be in a heck of a trouble and possibly have your license suspended.

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