
Can I Train My Rabbit?

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Is it possible to train a rabbit?

I don't mean litter box training, i mean like to come when hes called and stop doing something when i want him to?

Ive had my bunny for about 4 years and he wont come to his name and still tries to chew electical wires.

Also, is an 11 month old cat classed as a kitten or cat, because I dont know if I should feed mine kitten or cat food?





  1. Well its hard to say, your rabbit is quite old and may not be used to it you can get something called a clicker which helps as when you call your rabbit your tone is different each time confusing it so if you get a clicker then your rabbit will know what to do, it comes with a book which is more detailed than my description, but this should help with your calling and telling him to stop, don't forget he won't be used to it so be patient if it doesn't work then try again if you get another which is a baby as it will know the routine and learn better. My rabbit show jumps its amazing, so it can work, try to give your rabbit chews so it doesn't have to chew the wires or give it a mock of a wire so that it won't get hurt but it is aloud to chew it. hope this helps! (you can purchase clickers off but they may also be called dog training clickers just so your aware)

    xgood luckx

  2. u can trian them and the cat shouldnt bother it if they grow up together

  3. Rabbit = yes, you can train all animals if you know what to do. I know someone who trained there cat to sit and give its paw whilst recieving a treat

    Cat = Just like us 12 months but thats only a month away so you can start feeding cat food now

    Hope this has helped


  4. well my rabbits are 3 years old and i spend a lot of time with them but they just do what they want. they dont come when i call them. although they know when its time to go back into their pen,as soon as i open the door they both run in. so i guess you could train them. you should feed it cat food now - kitten food is really only upto 6 months

  5. i used to keep my rabbit in a cage and one day he got out and i thought he would destroy my house but then when i got home nothing was reuined and he was sleeping on the couch, now i got rid of the cage, and he stays through out the house all day with my dog, they love each other, although she is 60 pounds! LOL anyways i taught my rabbit to use a litter box, and if she starts to go near something (wires) or whatever i just pull her away and say no.  she has learned not to go near the TV cables and comes to her name

  6. You most certainly can:
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