
Can I call child services?

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So I recently decided to become vegetarian because eating meat is gross and disgusting. Just watching my Mom and Dad eat a burger I can't help to picture the poor cow that had to be slaughtered to feed their barbaric and primitive desire for flesh. I was going to tell them over dinner last night. They made tacos and put it in front of me. I kindly pushed the plate away and asked for a vegetarian alternative. They laughed at me and told me to eat it. I told them no and explained that you horrible people are supporting the death of innocent animals. So my dad scraped off the meat and said "here". I'm like but there is still juice from meat I will not eat it. They refused to cook me anything else.

Is that legal to starve me? Can I get them in trouble?




  1. Try not talking to your parents like that, of course they got ticked off.  Talk to them normally and let them know why you want to go vegetarian without putting them down for eating meat.

  2. If your old enough to get on the internet and complain old enough to consider turning your parents over to the authorities - - ignoring everything that they have done to and for you all your life to make you the person that you are today - - then your old enough to fix your own food.

    If you were my child and pulled that - I think going into child services would teach you a lesson about doing such and the reality of life that you seem to want to ignore - the fact that your demands about what you want to eat very well wouldn't be honored by foster parents.

    As I said - looks like it is time for you to step up to the plate and fix your own food.

  3. Wow. So you're probably like 12 then and are already possesed? Eat the meat. At this age you need the nutrition. Your parents aren't starving you. You made a personal life choice that should be your job to work around. I could tell my parents that I will only wear the color pink from now on and nothing else, but should I expect them to buy me a whole new wardrobe??? No. It's your choice. It's called the food chain, little one. Get over it.

  4. If you were my child and you talked back to me with those words, you better have a job cos you are out of the house..

    I advice you to call child services. Then they would come to your house, listen to your "complaint" and recommend a good child psychiatrist for your parents to take you.

    Starve yourself and your parents are legally and duty bound to have you force fed as you will be classified as having an eating disorder.

  5. It is legal.  They weren't starving you.  You just don't agree with what they are feeding you.

    I am vegan, but I am an adult.  Unfortunately you are not old enough to make all of your own decisions.  You can refuse the meal, but you shouldn't call child services.

    That is a can of worms you do not want to open.  Your parents will never trust you again and nothing will change.  The state cannot enforce a law that says kids get to eat whatever they want.  

    It is an unfortunate situation.  If you are serious about being a vegetarian you should stick to your guns.  They will eventually have to give in.  Missing a few meals won't hurt.

  6. What do you need protection from?  Good parenting?

  7. I think the same way too. I cannot stand any meat in the class so if there's too much smell of meat, I eat in the hallway. I think you should describe them how you feel about animals. Tell them to kill a rooster by themselves and describe how they feel (they will never kill because they'll feel sad)

    You can also try making some recipes yourself. There are plenty on the internet.

    Tell them you'll starve but you'll never eat meat, they'll understand and give you something vegetarian to eat.

    If they still don't agree, then you may call the children services.

  8. you sound super young. dont go vegetarian until you can control your surroundings a little more. dont refuse them, just next time you go to the store pick up a bunch of vegetarian alternitives. It dosent have to be fancy, try cheese pizza. Try Spinach dip! Its surprisingly amazing. When you dont eat meat you cant really be picky with anytihng else.They'll eventually look in your direction.

    Trust me on this. i've been in your position.

  9. yes its legal..... just make your dinner yourself

  10. Well you need to start cooking for yourself like I do! I'm 15 and now I have to cook for myself cause my mama aint cooking vegan foods for me!

  11. um no.  you are capable of making your own food.  do your parenst know your a vegetarian?  if they do, that is wrong of them... but you need to talk to them about it.  and telling them theyr'e "horrible people" and projecting the attitude you did in your post won't help.  if you want people to respect your CHOICE you have to respect theirs.  talk to your parents.  and start shopping and cooking on your own.

    fyi - the morningstar soy ground "meat" is great for tacos and burritos and plenty of meat eaters like it too.

  12. They aren't starving you.  You refused what they made for dinner without giving them any kind of warning.  Maybe your mom would have appreciated knowing your intention *before* she cooked meat for dinner.  If you want to do this, you want to be taken seriously by your parents and you don't want to cause a conflict, you need to be mature about it.  That means telling them in the right context, not pushing away your plate.  It means offering to cook, not whining that they refused to cook you anything else.  It means calmly exlaining your rationale without judging to calling them horrible people for supporting the death of animals.  If there's other food in the house, like bread, peanut butter, fruit, vegetables, etc... eat that.  If they cut you off from all food except for meat (which is pretty unlikely seeing as how they themselves must be eating something else as well) and they truly won't give you access to any healthy vegetarian foods, you can reassess the situation.  For now you're just sounding like a spoiled whiner (this is coming from someone who did, in fact, go vegetarian as a teenager and managed to tell her parents without judgement and without threatening to get them in trouble.)

  13. Don't get them in trouble. They work hard to support you. It is as much of an insult to refuse the food they give you as it is for them to ask you to eat meat if you don't want to. Don't be a baby, eat everything except the meat without protest and they will soon start to take you seriously. I guess they are hoping it is just a phase. It isn't healthy to eat a lot of meat anyway. But If you don't like the food they give you, get a job and buy your own.

  14. Of course you can't call child services. And why would you want to get your parents into trouble?

    You have the right to make choices about what you eat. I went vegetarian as a teenager myself. But you can't expect to behave like a brat and get taken seriously.

    'Barbaric, primitive, horrible people'? That's no way to talk to your parents, and no way to get taken seriously.

    Leave out the unpleasant adjectives, leave out the insults and explain to them without name-calling, sulking or talking about murder why this is important to you and that you'd like to give it a go. Telling them over a meal they'd already prepared for you was a stupid idea. Have suggestions ready for alternatives to meat, and offer to cook or to help cook.

    Tantrums and sulking aren't the way; in fact the scenario you describe is so absurd, I suspect you may be trolling.

  15. I do not think that they are starving you.  It is the parents responsibility to put food on the table.  There is no law that says they have to only put what you want in front of you.  No you cannot get them in trouble over this.

  16. Time to learn how to cook. or make yourself PBJ, salad or such. I bet there is plenty of no foods for you to eat in your house.

    Waiting until the last minute to announce I'm not eating meat was needlessly rude. Why would you set that up & expect your family to jump up & "cater" to you?

    Now on the tacos, ask your Mother to buy a can of pre-cooked beans, drain them & use them instead of the meat. are not starving, 1 meal is not going to hurt you. I promise you do not want to get child services involved you'll easily end up someplace quite nasty.

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