
Can I do this??????!?!?!?!

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Hi. First of all, I know people say "Anything's possible (if you put your mind to it)" or If you can dream it, you can do it. But I want serious opinions on my question please. Do I have the potential to be a cardiologist? I am a junior right now in high school. And my freshmen year I did okay. My GPA was a 3.3 both semesters. But my sophomore year I did horrible. It was the worst year of my school career. My first semester I failed science class and got a 2.3. The second semester I got a 2.0. But this year I am determined to get a 4.0. In middle school I did really good though. I am starting to do research and study to be a cardiologist and volunteering. Any suggestions/opinions?




  1. Go for it. Only you know what works and what don't work. From personal experience, I can tell you I've been there. I didn't do as good in high school as I would have liked... I was too busy doing other things and by the time I started to care my GPA was lower than I would have liked. However, I'm going to be starting my third year in college and I still have a 4.0. Just remember you get a clean slate when you start your college years only you can decided from there on out.

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