
Can I file for unemployment?

by  |  earlier

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So I gave well over two weeks notice because I was the only shiftleader and I knew they needed time to find at least one (we're suppose to have two). I gave them notice on the 20th of Aug that my last day would be the 19th of sept. Today which was six days later they called me in on my day off for a meeting. The meeting was quick and consisted of them giving me my last check for time worked and a piece of paper stating a voluntary quit. So my question is can I file for unemployment since I was willing to work until sept 19. I live in Cali if that helps. Thanks.




  1. My Suggestion

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  2. it looks like you're not eligible to file unemployment. Employers have an option to quit the contract as soon as you hand over the resignation. Please check if you’re still eligible.

  3. Check out They have a human resources help desk, and several specialists in California laws. I take seminars with them all the time!

  4. You will have to call the unemployment office.

    But because you signed that piece of paper, we have no idea what it said about the condition on which you quit.

    Did it have a date of termination 09-19-2008?

  5. I think you will probably have a hard time to collect your unemployment insurance in the California state as you quited your job. If you were in Canada and would have worked enough work weeks to qualify for insurance benefit, you could get your UI benefit after 3 months waiting period instead of only two to three weeks if your were laid off. I think you should try to enter sort of training program and get your training allowance instead of Unemployment benefit. Upon the completion of your training program, you will earn more in your new job. As it happened to my cousin who did the same in Canada, he collected one full year UI benefit of more than $ 800 Can bi-weekly because he couldn't get a job after graduation. The following website shows you how to apply such a training program sponsored by the US Labour Department.

    If you insist to apply for unemployment insurance, you can go through the whole website.

  6. Nope. You quit, thus no unemployment.

  7. Well I'm receiving benefits and yes you can you must go in and tell them straight away they will also need you to get them (where you worked) to fill in a piece of paper saying you finished work so that they can back pay you if need be. But you must tell them you quit asap otherwise they won't pay from the date but to answer your yes you can.

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