
Can I get a Sudanese visa...?

by  |  earlier

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... at the embassy in Cairo? I am an American and I have an Israeli visa in my passport. Will I need to get a new, clean passport before applying for Sudanese visa? All I want is a transit visa to get to Ethiopia.




  1. Send an email to the Sudanese embassy in Cairo and pose the question to them.

    What is wrong with flying out of Cairo to Ethiopia, I did it.

    Another option is to catch a cheap boat or freighter thru Suez  and get off in Eritrea or Djibouti. . . .if neither have a war going on with Ethiopia

  2. please go read this before if you wish of course :

    Sudan embassy in Cairo :


    3 El Ibrahimi St




    +20 7949661

    i cannot anwer this question about your visa stamp on visiting Israel ..............................

    and changing your passport ? would not change much on you having being to Israel ......

  3. Sudan does not accept any passport from Israel, or passports with any indication of you ever having visited the state of Israel. This includes you having a stamp from the Sinai crossing from Eilat, or an exit stamp from Jordan in to Israel.

    You must have a 'clean passport' when applying for a visa in Cairo, and you should expect it to take up to 2 weeks, maybe even 3 weeks, for it to be given (or declined, it truly is a lottery when it comes to being given Sudanese visa's), and the passport must have a entry stamp in to Egypt from a entry point that does NOT indicate that you have been to Israel.

    This may include you having to leave Israel by flight or ferry on to Cyprus and then returning using your fresh passport to enter Egypt and then applying. Because, again, any indicators of you having been to Israel will ensure that your visa request is denied.

    Also note that if you intend to stay at one of the 'international youth hostels' (there are two associated ones in Khartoum), you must provide them with your international youth hostel association card, and if you have any indicators on that card that you have stayed in israel at a hostel there then they will call the police which will escort you - forcefully if they feel like it - back to the boarder. At the boarder crossing at Halfa they may ask you to empty your pockets and if you have any israeli currency, or anything else that is typically israeli then they will invalidate your sudanese visa on the spot.

    To summarize:

    Fresh passport with a entry stamp in to Egypt, with no indicators *at all* of ever having been to Israel and YES you can apply for a visa at the sudanese embassy in cairo but it may take time. The Sudanese embassy in Cairo is however the fastest way to get a visa and it could if your lucky only take a few days - A friend of mine claims to have being given a visa within 8 hours.

    But don't take my word for any of this ... ;)

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