
Can I have some advice please?

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When I started high school, I got off to a bad start and didn't really make any friends, (I feel like I was dumped with a group of people). I was too shy I think. I don't have any really good friends (except for one who I have known since I was born, we live an hour away from each other). I have tried to make friends and let people see what I am like: I have started a Duke of Edinburgh with a group of people from my school but I just can't connect with them. Before I began it, I thought that I hadn't made friends because people couldn't see the real me, but now I'm not so sure. I know that I can get hyper, that might be a put of, but I really want to become friends with a group of people I feel like I belong to (I have some friends at my school but I feel like we were just pushed together.) I don't really know what I am asking for here, just advice.

14 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. just slow down,good friends will come in time

  2. When I answer on this question, I feel like i'm answering myself.

    What I really want you to know that there are lots of people who are thinking just like you. And What I want you to know, is that what we feel or what we see is not always right.

    Your question reveals your "problem". I put Problem between two quote marks because it's not really a Problem. It's revealing it obviously without a single dust on.

    You are shy. Being Shy is the cause of your problem in making friends. Because a shy person cannot make any courageous step to make new connections.

    However, I won't ask you to be yourself, because it's not easy to be yourself in your social life... but i'm gonna ask you to have a self confidence, believe in what you are, what you would like to become in the future. Prove your existence! no need to be shy anymore, just think that you're living this life once, you must have fun in a every instant...

  3. What I read into your question is, here is someone who is totally lacking in self-confidence. You are desperate to make friends and to be popular. You are feeling out on a limb. Now what you need to do is to stop trying so hard, because it becomes obvious. You do not try to make friends, friends are created, people like the way you behave, they like what you say, or the way you dress, there are so many behavioral aspects that it is not possible to mention them all. Oh you can make friends and you have made friends, but because of your insecurity and your lack of self-belief you are missing out. So just find yourself a friend, just one no need to be part of a group, and stick with that friend. Before long you will find that you are recognised as part of a group and others will want to join in. You will continue to feel confident because you have your friend by your side all the time. Any good to you. I hope so.  

  4. so you are luck person because you understand how can you find Friend and you most have Lucky time on your life.  

  5. Just relax and be yourself, you will make friends

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