
Can I play my violin?

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I have played my violin for 6 years....What is the problem with playing? I will always feel close and stay dedicated to matter what? I play Classical music, sometimes Christmas music when our instructor gives us it!! I'm going to be a Junior this year!! What to do? My parents will be furious about this..WHAT TO DO?




  1. asalaam aleykum i play the violin to but i stop when i reverted to islam but mainly when i learned the reasons why its haram.  and i know its hard i still have feelings towards my violin it would make me comffy and happy but read and understand what surah al takathur says about worldly desires. inshallah it will help you sometimes we slip up but allah knows our intention. take care  

  2. NO.

    Violin is HARAAM...Allah will strike you dead with fires of JAHANAM for playing this decadent Western music!

    Especially not the music of pig Nasaru Christians!! This is especially HARAAM.

    Playing this kalb Nasaru music is SHIRK....NOT ALLOWED.

    Allah entrusted us with killing the christians not playing their evil music.


  3. No violin is haram to play. You don't know how you're affected by playing these musical instruments, but you're deep down inside (negatively) but you don't know.

    You can never feel close to Allah swt and dedicated towards Islam as long as you have a piece of musical instrument in your hands. Don't satisfy yourself.  

  4. This is a perfect case of why I don't believe that Y!A is a good place to find answers to questions about what is allowed or not. There are too many differing views from different sects, cultures and interpretations.

    If your parents approve and encourage it, and they are good Muslims, you should go ahead and do it. If you have further concerns, you can consult an Imam or Sheikh to get a clearer answer.

  5. your violin playing is a gift of Allah Allmighty,,use it,,its not Haram

  6. Of course you can play....don't listen to these extreme kind of Muslims.

  7. Music is not Haram by nature; I play guitar and use it to play Western music also.

    Abū Nasr Muhammad ibn al-Farakh al-Fārābi; was a Muslim polymath of Iranian descent and one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of Persia and the Islamic world; He was also a Musician and added a string to the Oud.

    Farabi wrote books on early Muslim sociology and a notable book on music titled Kitab al-Musiqa (The Book of Music). He played and invented a varied number of musical instruments and his pure Arabian tone system is still used in Arabic music. Al-Farabi's treatise Meanings of the Intellect dealt with music therapy, where he discussed the therapeutic effects of music on the soul.

    He was called by the Muslim world: "The second teacher".

  8. It is really sad when people focus to much on the semantics of a religion.  I say PLAY!  I believe in God, and He gave you that talent.  It is a gift use it!

  9. There is no harm, the violin is a beautiful instrument.  


    There is nothing in the Qur'an that says playing the violin is haram.

  11. I used the drums and i earned for every night that i played (max 4 hours) arround 200 - 400 Euro. After i came in Islaam, things didn't care as much as things now, (almost 8 years later), i continued to play the drums, but after i found out that it was haraam, it started to annoy me. I felt i was on the end of this. I needed to focus on something usefull.

    The main problem with you right now is, (where i was in the past) a lack of Ihsaan. Ihsaan is a feeling knowlegde that Allaah watch over you always. When you are alone or in a crowd. Allaah stills sees you and your actions, even if you can't see him. If you are fully aware of that, and everytime you pick your violin you will have a thought of letting him stay where he is (i.e. you don't wanna play it agian), But your nafs, will remember the old days and you will grap the violin to bring back the memory of you playing and making your parents and everyone arround happy... But when the times goes by, you will start to feel something that you do is useless, you don't achieve anything with it, you aren't happy with it as in the past, and slowly you will feel the urge to leave it alone. Other things are getting more important, like study, marriage, children, work etc.. When You know and feel this, you don't need to play it agian, you will be able to face the consequences, like explaining to your parents why you stopped. If they accept you (as muslim believer) and your devotion to Allaah (in practic), then they will be angry, but that is because they feel hurt or used, don't look at the angry but look at the feeling that is behind the angry. Hurt, sad, frustration. But if they are truly loving you, they would accept your decision (after a while), you are becoming an adult right? They raise you to make a indivual person and not a copy?      

  12. I know how you feel. The truth is, even if you don't play your violin, orthodox Muslims still won't even pray in your house even if the violin is in the closet. Those kind of Muslims are probably bad news if you are a musician. You need people to emotionally support you. Even if you were to quit, you'd still be a musician "type" person. Consider joining the majority of Muslims who are not trying too hard to be orthodox. it makes life a lot less stress. And as long as you are a musician, don't wear hijab. If you try playing violin with a hijab on they will be really rude to you. Just forget about those people.

  13. No musical instruments are haraam.  In some cases I hear the duff is acceptable but I'm no Imam and I don't have any Hadiths with me to consult.  Music is a waste of time and distracts you from remembering ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala).
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