
Can I re-apply again?

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I was denied admittance to UCB for Fall 08, I didn't appeal b/c I knew it was going to be useless.

Is it possible to apply again?

I'm 21 and go to SFSU, and I don't like it at all, plus I want my career in the medical field. I'm suppose to be a senior this fall but b/c I was part time student last semester I didn't make enough units for senior, but I will this fall, that's why I'm so confused.




  1. No, they only take junior transfers, you have too many credits.

  2. It is possible to apply again, but know that the UCs have specific rules about transfer admissions. You have to complete at least 60 semester (90 quarter) units before you transfer. In addition, most campuses don’t admit students with 90 semester (135 quarter) units or more. If you have less than 90 or more than 135 quarter units, you probably won't be admitted.

    I think the average of admitted UC Berkeley transfer students is above a 3.5, so if your GPA is quite a bit below that, that could also be an issue.

    There are also specific courses you must have taken, which are outlined here:

    If, knowing all this, you feel you should reapply, then absolutely do so. If you feel that UCB is out of reach for you, and you really dislike SFSU, then you can either stick it out at SFSU and graduate - you're so close! Or else transfer to a different school that is in reach of you.

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