
Can I report a kid...

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Can I report a kid that is lying about where they live just to go to a school out of there district? She lives a few towns over and is lying that she lives with her relative out here even know she doesn't. How do I report that?




  1. Why would you? Revenge? It's really none of your business. Why is she egging your house? Do you two have problems? Work it out, talk to her parents or the school counselor. But I agree, you shouldn't be a snitch.

  2. don't be a snitch... Seriously,Thats just g*y.  I've done that before. Ever think she gets teased in another school.? Just let her be.

  3. What's wrong with her living in another town. She has to get to a school that's farther away not you.

    On the egging I kind of doubt that but, what ever. Besides if she's egging your house just call the cops. Jeez.  

  4. Just because you report someone to the school district for living out of their district, that doesn't necessarily mean that the school district is going to pull the child out of the school and force them to go to the school district where he or she is suppose to go.  The school district has better things to do with its time and money and it also may have attendance issues if there is more than one high school in the area, such as that one school has a greater attendance than the other and they just don't care because of the school over-crowding problem, which means one less student to deal with and one more enrolled at the other school.  

    As for the egging, you could call your local police department and lodge a formal complaint and cite your reasoning as to why you think that it is this particular girl and/or her friends and ask that they try to keep an eye and try to catch them in the act.

    Good Luck.

  5. Nobody likes a snitch.

  6. I'm guessing that she's just playing around?

    Geeeeeeez. Let her imangination run

    where it wants to, it's not your business.  
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