
Can I save my teeth?

by Guest45461  |  earlier

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So, I've been pretty bad when it comes to brushing my teeth. I usually get up too late to do them in the morning and am too tired in the evenings... obviously they are now pretty bad. My question is, If i now start cleaning them regularly, will I just stop them from getting any worse, or will they actually improve?




  1. it really depends on a lot of things.

    how old are you, how long has this neglect been going on, when have you last seen your dentist?

    it is unfortunate, but lots of people go for long periods of time without taking care of their teeth.

    you need to develop a regular schedule of brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and for you, a strengthening flouride rinse once a day.

    the flouride rinse will help to strengthen your teeth by replacing minerals that they have lost due to decay, and will strengthen your tooth enamel, making it harder for you to get cavities.

    it really does depend on those things i asked above, but there could be a chance that you could save your not-so-pearly-whites.

    make your teeth a priority in your daily grooming process from now on, don't skip a single day.

    also, don't worry about getting a whitening toothpaste right now, your teeth need to recover their strength and health first, whitening pastes might actually do more damage than good.

    choose something with overall protection and you will be set.

    good luck!

  2. Go see a dentist 1st!! He/she will be able to tell you if they are badly decayed or maybe there is just alot of plaque build up and they may need to be cleaned by a dental hygienist. You should brush 2-3 times a day. So get out of bed 2 minutes earlier and go to bed 2 minutes later. It will be worth it later in life. Dentures suck to wear and are hard to eat with. Keep your teeth-GO TO A DENTIST!! Besides no one likes bad breath.

  3. Sounds like it is too late. Get em pulled and buy a good set of dentures. Cheaper in the long run and easier to care for. Plus if you are g*y can give a terrific bj.  

  4. You can't reverse damage that's already been done but you can start taking care of them to prevent further damage.Getting up late is not an excuse not to brush,it only takes 2 minutes.Are you around other people in the day?If so ,be considerate and clean them nobody likes dirty teeth or smelly breath.

  5. You can't reverse damage that's been done by not brushing.  You can curb further damage if you start brushing them at least twice a day.  I would go to the dentist if you are having any problems like cavities though.

    Being lazy is no excuse for not brushing.  It takes 2 minutes to brush, so it's never too late a time to brush them and you're never too tired to brush them unless you're asleep.

  6. You have to start somewhere, and dentures should not even be considered at this point. First things first, go to the dentist and get them professionally cleaned. You most likely have excessive amounts of tartar that need removed. Then you really need to start taking things seriously. In your condition, you would need to try to brush after every meal, and FLOSS as well. Your dentist will probably recommend fluoride rinses, such as ACT. You will also probably be required to get your teeth cleaned every three months as opposed to the usual six. Taking care of your teeth as just as important as any other body part, and bad oral hygiene has even been linked to heart disease. I would pick up the phone and call your dentist ASAP.
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