
Can I teach piano to beginners?

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I'm 15 years old, and I have a Grade 9 Piano from the Royal Conservatory of Music. I also have a Grade 3 Harmony and History. I am very knowledgeable in music and obtained a 97% on my Grade 9 Piano. I would be interested in teaching beginner to intermediate piano. Am I qualified to teach piano? If so, what should I do to get started?




  1. advertise in the paper and/or with fliers. you are qualified if you can play and read music and know music well enough. most importantly, you have to have a lot of  patience. go for it as long as it doesn't interfere with your schooling.

  2. Teaching beginners is a very serious task and shapes the way they perceive music.  The groundwork you lay in the first years of their music education may cause them to develop bad habits or turn them off to music completely.  Teaching beginners is a big responsibility.  That being said, if you are passionate about music and competent, there is no reason you can't teach at age 15.  However, it would be very wise for you to read some books on piano pedagogy and familiarize yourself with teaching techniques.  Playing piano and teaching somebody else to play piano are two very different skills, and being a competent pianist doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a good teacher.  For most beginners with average interest and ability, your instruction may suffice.  However, I would strongly recommend that if you take on a student who demonstrates a great deal of talent that you refer him or her to a more experienced teacher.  

    At your age, it works like this.  You play somewhere, and somebody's parent hears you, likes what they hear, and ask if you will teach their child.  It may be appropriate to take on these types of students, and that will help you gain experience.  

    Also be aware that beginners need opportunities to perform at recitals the same as you.  If you are teaching only a couple students, you might need to coordinate with another teacher to make sure they have that opportunity.

    Again, teaching beginners is serious business.  I'm not trying to discourage you, but rather make sure you don't go into it overconfident in your piano playing to pull you through.  Do some research on piano pedagogy.  Start with the book in the following link.  Neuhaus was one of the greatest piano teachers in history.

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