
Can I try again?

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I cannot eat beef because we Hindus respect the cows because she provides us milk from childhood much like milk from our moms. That is why I cannot eat beef. Now does buffalo qualify as beef or cow family?




  1. You can cross beef cattle with buffalo. They will reproduce fertile offspring. They are the same species just different breeds.

  2. our people donot eat buffallo.

  3. beef is cow. buffalo is buffalo. buffalo isn't related to cow.

  4. I think your question is not so much a genetic question as a religious question.

    Genetically, the American Bison (buffalo) is not beef.

    But religion is not always so logical.

    So you should check out whether water buffalo (also not genetically beef, and found in India, unlike American Bison) is prohibited for Hindus.  There must be something available on the internet about that.  If water buffalo is O.K., then bison can't be a problem, because it is even more distant genetically.  But I would guess that if Hindus are not supposed to eat water buffalo, then they shouldn't eat American bison either.

    I hope that helps you.  Religion is not ruled by logic, but by your culture and your heart.

  5. Because I'm lactose intolarent, I'd eat the s@#t out some buffalo (or cow).


    There is some information about the buffalo and cow relationship. Cows, beef cattle and buffalo are all related in the same family but the comparison is like a domestic dog to a wolf.

    At the end of the day it comes down to your religious beliefs. A devout hindu would probably not eat a buffalo because of it's family links to cattle.

    It's totally up to your belief and you should not eat anyhting you don't feel comfortable with or you feel will affect your religious beliefs.

  7. Because beef and buffalo can mate together I think it would be considered in the beef family. But when they mate together they are called beefalo.

  8. yes the bufflo is part of the cow family

  9. haha wow i have no idea i didn't even think about that but no i don't think so do they even have buffalo in hindu? if not then you are probably safe.

  10. look chummy-all cows/buffalo/steers/-all the same.thats the trouble with your religious beliefs-you all try and bend the rules to suite yourselves and thats why all religion is just totall bunk.

  11. yes, , besides they're in the same family of bovines. . cow is a female while buffalo is a male . .

  12. The beliefs you have and the place that that you have for the cow in the Hindus religion would probably not hold for the buffalo because it is not considered a milk provider, by you or anyone that I am aware of. But you have to stop and ask yourself, is there more to this and also ask yourself, do you wish to pollute your body with red meat and fats. Though your scripture protects the cow because, as you say, she has always been your provider, was there more to it than just a basic milk, or is it more a cultural law that goes deeper. So many teachings get lost when one attempts to pick them apart. You must ask your elders for clarification. As they have been in the midst of study and debate for a great many years and carry with them the history and meaning of your faith, you must defer to them in all questions.

  13. The buffalo, if you are talking about the Water Buffalo or the American Bison are in the same family as the cow, the bovine family.  The American Buffalo will sussfully interbreed with the cow, producing the Beefalo.  The Water Buffalo, though  related to the cow, will not cross with cattle.  Those are the facts.  The question as you being able to eat them would have to be answered by  a Hindus holly man.  Not being personally knowledgeable with your religion, I would guess that you will find out that you cannot eat them.
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